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Save invoice

Invoices are saved in the “Invoices” folder by default. You can find this folder in “wp-content > uploads >ywpi-pdf-invoice” of your WordPress installation.

In case you want to set a custom path for saving, you can use [year], [month] and [day] as placeholders (according to the date that is generated).

Documents storage

Path example

If you gave in: “Invoices/[year]/[month]” an invoice generated on “17 February 2016” will be saved in the path “invoices/2016/02”.

Invoice folder


You can automatically back up and save all generated PDF documents in Dropbox. It’s updated almost instantly.

Go to Settings > Documents Storage and enable the “Automatically upload documents to Dropbox” option.

Dropbox sync settings
Step 1

As a first step, you will be able to choose the name of the Dropbox folder where the documents will be saved.

The plugin will create the folder in the “Apps” Dropbox folder at the following path:

Apps > YITH WooCommerce PDF Invoice and Shipping List > Invoices (where “Invoices” is the name you choose).

Step 2

Then, you can paste the Dropbox authorization code. Let’s see how to find it.

Click on the “Get your Dropbox authorization code” link and you will be redirected to a login screen.

Dropbox authorization code
Dropbox login

Enter your Dropbox account credentials, or if you don’t have one yet, create a new Dropbox account.

Step 3

After doing that, you will be requested to allow folder permissions, click on Allow to proceed.

Step 4

Dropbox will display the Access token that you can simply copy and paste in the “Dropbox authorization code” option in the plugin settings.

Dropbox access token

Note: the code has to be entered within a minute from its generation. If you exceed this time, you will have to generate the code again.

step 6

This is an example of how the invoice is saved in Dropbox.

Step 7 – disabling dropbox

If you need to disconnect your Dropbox account, you can simply switch the related toggle option back to OFF in the Documents storage settings.

Disconnect Dropbox

Google Drive

You can automatically back up all generated PDF documents in Google Drive. The backup is immediate.

Automatically back up documents on Google Drive

Following we analyze each individual step for the saving process to work correctly.

Step 1

Create a project into the API Manager, your screen should look similar to this:

api services
Step 2

Start off by clicking on the project selection link and click on the “New Project” button:

Select project api
Step 3

In the next step, add a Project name and create it.

new project api
Step 4 Creating a Client ID

The Client ID is mandatory for Google. To get one:

Go to the API Manager > Credentials:
All your API Keys are displayed in the API Manager

api credentials
Step 5

Create new OAuth client ID credentials:

request consent api
Step 6

You must configure a Consent Screen:

configure consent screen api
Step 7

Pick external, because you are going to use your Google account for authentication.

api auth consent screen exteral
Step 8

On the consent screen provide the “Application Name” and the Email Address
You can skip Scopes and Test Users for now.

Go back to Credentials → Create Credentials → OAuth client ID. In the resultant screen, you can pick one of two options:

credentials external consent screen api
Step 9

After continue, you will see the Client ID and the password that you will use in our plugin fields.

api auth client is created (1)
Step 10 Enabling the Client ID for Google Drive

Navigate to the API Library page and search for Google Drive API.
Click on “Enable” to enable the API service.

enable google drive api
Step 11 publish your project

Go to the “OAuth Consent Screen” in your Google Console, and click on the button “Publish App” and that’s all:

Publish App api google
Step 12 Add your Redirect URI

Go to Credentials > Open your credentials configuration and add the Redirect URI in the Authorised redirect URIs section.

authorize redirect urls api google drive
Step 13
Google drive authorization code

You can find the Redirect URI in the “Google Drive Authorization Code” option of the plugin.

Step 14 change storage folder name
Google Drive folder name
Step 15 disable google drive storage
Disable google drive automatically back up

You can easily disable the Dropbox storage option by using the toggle.