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Search fields & index


Search fields

This is the section where you can choose the fields that will be involved during the search. To add a new field, click on the Add field button.

Add new search field

Now, you can select and extend the search to the following fields:

  • product name
  • description
  • short description
  • SKU
  • product categories: you can enable all categories or enable/disable specific categories
  • product tags: you can enable all tags or enable/disable specific tags
  • product attributes: you can enable all attributes or enable/disable specific attributes
  • custom fields: you can select one or more custom fields.


Search index

In the Search index section, you can set how often and the time for the indexing of fields to be executed.

  • Schedule indexing: enable to schedule the indexing and choose the interval from:
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Schedule time: select the time for the recurring indexing
  • Index status: this shows the number of indexed items and the date it was executed. You can also manually process it by clicking on the Rebuild index button.
Rebuild index button