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Stock table and management

From the tab Stock Table, you can manage the stock of the products of your stores, choose whether to show or hide the out-of-stock products from the Store Locator, associate a product to one or more stores, and import and export the stock.

Go to WooCommerce options -> Stock table and enable the option Enable stock management. 

The product stock is managed only at the information level and doesn’t reflect in the checkout and orders placed on the site. It has to be updated manually every time it is necessary to change the product quantities.

An additional option will show (Hide shops in store locator if product is out of stock) that gives you the possibility to hide the stores in the Store Locator if the product is out-of-stock.

In this way, you can improve the user experience by letting your users see only the stores where the product is available and be sure they will find it.

Manage product stock for all the stores

Stock management

Stock table

By enabling the stock management, a table with all your stores and products will show. Through this table, it is possible to:

  • manage the stock for each product and store by defining the values in the related fields;
  • associate the product to one or more stores by clicking on Associate now on hover. You’ll be automatically redirected to the product edit page where you can select the stores that you want to associate;
Associate product to the store
  • import/export the stock through a CSV file by clicking on Import stock or Export stock.
Import and export stock with CSV file