View Product Page

Create new tab

To create a new tab click on the “Add new tab” button you find in “Tab manager” section.

Create a new tab

Based on the selected type, you can choose on which products the tab will show.

Tab type

  • “Global Tab”: this is the default type and will show in every product.
  • “Category Tab”: the product category where the tab will be shown.
  • Product Tab: the product where the tab will be shown.

Tab priority

Through the priority tab option, you can show the tabs on the product page in the order you wish.

Set tab priority

When defining a priority value for the tab, consider the values already used for WooCommerce tabs:

  • 10: tab “Description”
  • 20: tab “Additional information”
  • 30: tab “Reviews

For example, if you want your new tab to show between the “Description” and “Additional Information” WooCommerce tabs, you should insert a priority value ranging from 10 to 20.


The last step is to select the layout in the “Layout” section of the new tab settings panel.

Layout type

After selecting the layout type, you can choose to show a single content for the tab on all products or customize it on the product edit page. For the first case, enable “Use the content for all products”.

Use same content for all products

For the second case, ‘Tab content‘ is enabled on all related products (depending on the selected tab layout type), but it will be shown only after setting its content in the product edit page.

Tab content in product edit page

WooCommerce tabs

For each product of the shop, the plugin gives you the possibility to hide WooCommerce default tabs or change their content. Go to the “WooCommerce Tab” section of the product edit page and select the option to override or hide the tab.

WooCommerce tab