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Save card options

If you are using Standard or Stripe Elements checkout mode, you can enable the option Save Cards to let users pay with one of the cards they have used for previous orders. This will spare them the trouble of inserting their data again.

Save customer's credit card

You can also choose to automatically save credit cards by selecting Register automatically in the option Card registration mode. This will allow having every card used by the customer automatically saved.

On the contrary, if you want users to choose whether to save their credit cards or not, select Let user choose.

Save to account

Users can refer to the credit cards they used right inside the Payment methods section on their My Account page.

You can choose the style of the Payment methods section through the option Apply custom style to Payment Methods. By enabling it, the plugin’s style will apply to this section.

Custom style for Payment methods section
Custom style
Default style for Payment methods section
Default style

From this section, customers can also add new credit cards that will be available for future purchases as well.

How to add a new credit card from My Account