View Product Page

Elements to show

From the tab Product, you can choose the product information to show right inside the “quick view” modal window from the following:

Content options
  • image
  • name
  • rating
  • price
  • excerpt
  • product meta

Furthermore, you can enable the option to show the full description rather than the short description.

Images and thumbnails

In case you had issues with the image size right inside the quick view, we suggest you regenerate all thumbnails of the products of your shop.

For the product images, you can set the width and height through the dedicated options.

Product image options

With regard to thumbnails, the plugin’s default behavior implies that all product thumbnails show in a classic mode, as provided by WooCommerce. However, you can choose to show them with the “Slider” mode or completely hide them.

Thumbnails type
Quick view - thumbnails with classic mode

Add to cart options

“Add to cart” button can be added right inside the modal window to allow users to add the product directly from the section they are visiting.
If you want this process to take place in Ajax, enable “Enable Ajax Add To Cart”.

Add to cart options

If you want the popup to close automatically after the add to cart action, enable the option Close popup after “Add to cart”.

On the contrary, if you want to redirect users to the “Checkout” page after they added the product to the cart, enable the option “Redirect to checkout after add to cart”.


To let users share the Quick View content on social networks, you must enable the option Enable share and select the socials you want to show. The social networks available are Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, alternatively, they can send an email.

Share options
Share options