View Product Page

General informations about the plugin

The plugin activation involves the addition of the “Quick View” button for each product on the “Shop” page.

Quick view button on Shop page

By clicking on the button, you will have access to product information that will show in a modal window, avoiding a new page upload.

Quick view modal window

In case you had issues with the image size in the quick view, we suggest you
regenerate all thumbnails of the products in the shop.

For all details related to shown product information, we suggest referring to this page of the documentation.


The “yith_quick_view” shortcode allows displaying a button/icon that opens a quick view popup of a specific product on any page and it both works for the free and premium version.
The shortcode accepts the following parameters:

  • product_id: the product ID to show in the modal window
  • type: [icon/button] choose whether to show a button or an icon (available only for the premium version)
  • label: button label

Example of the shortcode use
[yith_quick_view product_id=51562 type=”button” label=”Quick View”]