View Product Page

Shortcodes & widgets


The plugin includes three shortcodes.

1. Custom comparison table

The first one lets you create comparing tables for specific products of the shop. In order to do it, go to theĀ “Build Shortcode” section of the settings panel of the plugin, and select the products you want to display in the customized table.


Copy and paste the generated shortcode on the page where you want to show it.

Compare shortcode on page

2. Product Counter

The second one lets you show a counter of the products added to the comparison list so far. The shortcode is:


It can be added on any page or even in a widget.

Counter shortcode


This is what it might look like on the Shop page before the products.

Shortcode example

3. Compare button

If you’re building your shop page and/or product pages using a page builder, you may need to show the “Compare” button using a shortcode. You can use this one:


Compare button shortcode


The plugin provides you with two different widgets.

1. Products in the list

The first one shows the list of the products that users have added to the comparison table.

Comparison widget

2. Product Counter

The second one is a counter of all products added to the comparison list so far.
You can enter a title and choose to show only numbers or both numbers and text.
If you want to, you can pick an icon from your Media gallery and customize the text to make it clear to your customers what the counter is for.

Counter widget