View Product Page

Table settings

To configure the settings related to the comparison table, go to YITH > Compare > Settings > Table settings.

Table settings - free version

Here you will find the following options:

  • Table title: the title of the table which shows only if the comparison table is set as a modal window;
  • Fields to show: product fields to add to the table. When you create a new attribute in WooCommerce, it will be available in this line.
    The field arrangement can be modified with a drag-and-drop action of the available entries;
  • Repeat “Price” field: by enabling this option, the price of each product will be replicated in the related column in the lowest part of the table;
  • Repeat “Add to cart” field: by enabling this option, the Add to cart button will be replicated in the related column in the lowest part of the table;
  • Image size: the size of the product images in the comparison table.
    In case the images don’t show correctly, we suggest regenerating the product images.