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Image position and alignment examples

You can decide the position of the custom image that you upload in the notification.

Step 1 – Image position

Image position

With this option you decide if you want to show the image above- or under the text, or on the left or right side of the text.

Under the text
Under the text
Right from the text
Right from the text
Left from the text
Left from the text
Above the text
Above the text

Depending on the selection you make here, the next alignment options will dynamically change.

Step 2 – Image alignment

Horizontal alignment

Horizontal alignment

When selecting above or under the text in the first step, you can now decide the ‘horizontal’ position of the image. Left, center or right.

Alignment left
Alignment left
Alignment center
Alignment center
Alignment right
Alignment right

Vertical alignment

Vertical alignment

If you have selected left or right in step 1, you will here see the options top, center and bottom. You can now decide the ‘horizontal’ position of the image.

Alignment top
Alignment top
Alignment center
Alignment center
Alignment bottom
Alignment bottom