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General settings

The plugin allows you to dynamically update product prices according to the role of the user who is going to purchase.

You can either set a global rule, which applies globally to groups of products in your store, or it can be specifically created for a single item in the shop.
Before describing how to create a new rule in both cases, you should focus on some essential elements concerning plugin behavior:

  • Each rule that you have created and configured will be applied to the “Regular price” or to the “sale price” (if set on the product) depending on the option settings in YITH -> Role Based Prices -> General settings.
General settings
  • More than one price rule can be applied to the same product, at the condition that all of them have been specified either in:
    • The “Price Rules” section in the plugin options panel (so they are global rules)
    • The single product page (so they are product rules).

Role Based Prices Transient

Under “General Settings” you will also find the option to use a tool to clear the plugin transients cache as you can see in the image above.

YITH WooCommerce Role Based Transients API allows developers to store information in your WordPress database with an expiration time. This helps speed up your site and keeps your server loading time down, using this option you can remove the transients cache.

Role Based Prices doesn’t allow the creation of new roles. It only manages the ones already available. However, you can create new roles with the use of Members free plugin.

Create a new global rule

All global rules have to be created in YITH > Role Based Prices > Price rules.

In order to add a new rule, click on “Add new role based price”.

Add new role-based price

To configure your rules assign a value to each of the following options:

Add new role-based price options
  • “Apply rule to”: user role to which you want to assign the current rule.
  • “Rule Type”: Choose where the rule will be applied or not:
    • all products
    • Product category
    • Exclude product category
    • Product tag
    • Exclude product tag
  • “Discount or markup”: this option allows you to select the type of change you want to apply to the price. You can choose between “discount” or “markup” to the current price.
    The value field reflects your selection, shown as a price amount or as a percentage discount/markup on the product price.
  • “Priority”: if more than one rule of the same type (Global, product category or product tag) are created for the same user role, priority allows you to create an order for rules to be applied.
    Example: a priority-1 rule will be applied before a priority-10 rule.
  • “Activate rule”: by default, the rule is created and immediately enabled. Yet, if you uncheck this option, you can disable the rule without having to delete it and enable it only when needed.

In case more than one rule of the same type has been configured for the same user role, they will be sequentially applied according to the priority they’ve been given. Global rules are ignored if at least one product rule has been configured in the product.

If you are not ready to publish the new rule, you can use the “save draft” option.

Create a new product rule

The plugin allows creating custom-tailored price rules for user roles, which are specific to each product of the shop.
The first step to take is to specify what behavior the plugin must acquire on the current product.

  • Use only the rules below: apply on product only the rules available right inside the product, ignoring general rules
  • Override rules created for the same user role: apply on product the general rules, except those that have been overridden right inside the product


Now select the rule type you want to add between discount or markup.

  • name the rule;
  • select user role to which the rule applies;
  • set a value (percent or amount, according to rule type).

In the example shown in the above image, we have applied a 30% discount for all “Customers”.

If there is more than one rule for the same role, they will be sequentially applied according to the priority they have been given. To set priority for your rules, you can sort them by simply dragging and dropping them in the list (rules on top have higher priority).

All plugin features can be applied also to “variable products”.
Each product variation is treated as an individual product, so, what has been described above for simple products goes also for rules on each product variation.

YITH Automatic Role Changer

YITH Automatic Role Changer for WooCommerce allows you to automatically assign a new role to your users or replace the one they had. Just configure the condition that will let them get a new role or switch from one to the other, choosing from the following ones:

  • the user purchases a specific product
  • the order total is within a certain price range
  • the customer’s total spend falls within a certain price range
  • the user purchases products from specific categories or tags.

The integration with YITH Role Based Prices allows you to forget about changing roles manually and automate your marketing strategies: your users will automatically see the updated price if they buy a given product, make a total spend, etc.

To start using both plugins together, all you have to do is to activate both of them from the Plugins page in your WordPress dashboard.

Then, start configuring automatic change rules as explained in detail on this page.

Please note: to make the role-based price show correctly, make sure that your users have no more than one role assigned. If they happen to have more than one user role at the same time, no role-based prices will be shown.


Configure a Price rule with YITH Role Based Prices plugin.

  1. 10% off for the role New customer
  2. 20% off for the role Returning customer
  3. 50% off for the role Loyal customer
Automatic role changer example - Price rule

Then, create the switch rules from YITH Automatic Role Changer settings panel:

  1. Switch from New customer to Returning customer if the customer’s total spend exceeds £500.
  2. Switch from Returning customer to Loyal customer if the customer’s total spend exceeds €1,000.
Role changer rule example

If you want to read more about how to configure YITH Automatic Role Changer for WooCommerce, please, refer to the plugin official documentation.

YITH Dynamic Pricing and Discounts

YITH WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts is a plugin conceived to create advantageous purchase conditions for your users. In an easy and intuitive way, you can configure ad hoc discount rules for your users and create convenient offers that will highly increase the sales of your products.

The integration between these two plugins allows calculating discounted prices based on role-based ones automatically rather than on WooCommerce prices.

After installing and activating both plugins, you only need to create your own role-based price rules with YITH Role Based Prices (as explained here) and the discount rules with YITH Dynamic Pricing and Discounts (as explained here).


We create a Quantity discount rule that gives a 30% off when an item quantity ranges from 2 to 40:

Dynamic rule configuration

This 30% discount will be calculated automatically on the role-based price for the user role watching the product (in this case, it’s calculated on $100.80 instead of $168):

Dynamic rule applied on role-based price

For further details about YITH Dynamic Pricing and Discounts settings, please refer to the official documentation.


YITH Multi Vendor

With YITH Multi Vendor you can turn your e-commerce store into a marketplace (a multi-vendor platform) like Amazon or Etsy. Turn your e-commerce store into a marketplace (a multi-vendor platform) and earn commissions on orders generated by your vendors.

When used with YITH Role Based Prices, also your vendors will be able to create price rules by user role that will be applied only to their own products.

To enable this integration, just make sure that the two plugins are installed and activated. Then, enable the Role Based Prices module from YITH > Multi Vendor > Modules.To enable this integration, activate both plugins, go to YITH > Multi Vendor > Vendors > Vendors Permissions and select Create custom price rules for their products in the option Regarding his/her store, a vendor can.

Integration with YITH Role Based Prices

Now, your vendors will be able to see a dedicated menu from where they can create their own price rules.

Role based prices menu in multi vendor

Vendors can set the price rule from the modal window. To read more about creating and applying price rules, you can refer to this page in the documentation.

Vendor price rule

All general rules created by the site’s global administrator won’t cause any effect on products related to a vendor.

For further details about the plugin YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor, please, refer to the official plugin documentation.

YITH Product Add-Ons

YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons allows you to configure additional product options that will be added to one or more products in your shop.

The integration with YITH WooCommerce Role Based Prices allows changing the base product price according to the role of your users while keeping the add-on prices unchanged for all users.

All you have to do is to activate both plugins from the Plugins menu and then start configuring your role-based prices rules from this page, which apply to the product’s regular price.

After that, you can start configuring your add-ons to let your users have custom options and, if you want to, charge a fee for each selected add-on.

The product price will be calculated starting from their role-based price. The add-on prices will be the same for every user and will add to the product role-based price.

Learn more about how to configure the add-ons on this page.

Integration with Product Add-Ons

If you want to learn more about how to properly set up YITH Product Add-Ons, please, refer to the plugin official documentation.

YITH Product Bundles

YITH WooCommerce Product Bundles allows you to create bundles of products of your shop. You can assign a fixed price to the bundle or get the price as the sum of the single elements in the bundle with custom discounts.

YITH WooCommerce Role Based Price can be perfectly integrated into YITH Product Bundles and set a different price also on bundle products. 

To start setting dedicated role-based discounts on Bundles, you just have to install and activate both plugins (premium versions) from the menu Plugins.

Everything will go through automatically. Just make sure you set the correct discounts from Role Based settings and they will also apply to the bundle.

This is an example of how the discounts of YITH Role Based Prices and YITH Product Bundles plugin combine on a bundle product, where for the Polo bundled product:

  • $12 is the role based price and
  • $6 is the role-based price with the bundle discount.

Read more about YITH Product Bundles in the official plugin documentation.