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Advanced Tools

In the Request Settings section of the plugin, there are  5 options available to let you schedule emails for your previous orders and have better management of the Scheduled Email List.
Let’s analyze them:
Advanced tools

  • Show in Orders page: by enabling this option, the plugin will add a Review Reminder column to the WooCommerce Orders page where you will be able to manage email sending/scheduling as described here.
  • Bulk Schedule: by using the Bulk schedule button, you will be able to schedule email sending for all of the orders which generally won’t provide email scheduling.
    This option can be useful if you want to ask for reviews about orders that were placed before you started using YITH WooCommerce Review Reminder.
  • Bulk Unscheduled: this option allows unscheduling all pending emails from the Scheduled Emails List. It is useful in case you apply the Bulk Schedule by mistake or if you decided not to use the plugin for a while and avoid any bulk sending when reactivating it.
  • Clear sent emails from Schedule List: by clicking on the related button, you will clear all the emails sent from the Scheduled Emails List.
    This option can be used to help you reduce the weight of your database.
  • Clear cancelled emails from Schedule List: by clicking on the related button, you will clear all the emails canceled from the Scheduled Emails List.
    This option can be used to help you reduce the weight of your database.