View Product Page

Set countdown on single product

To set the countdown on single products, go to the product edit page and to the Product Countdown section, then enable the countdown and set the starting date and expiration date with the related times (hours and minutes) to show the countdown.

Countdown options on product

Product page

Moreover, you can add information about the product quantity already sold and the current availability. In order to do it, you need to configure the following product options:

  • Discounted products: the initial amount of product items shown to users; enter a value if you have not enabled stock management in WooCommerce (Inventory -> Manage Stock); in the opposite case, the plugin will take the value dynamically from Inventory -> Stock Qty.
  • Already sold products: number of items sold for the selected product. According to the value entered, the sale bar will show a proportional value. Each sale increases this counter by 1. An empty field is shown as zero.
    For variable products, you must specify values for these options for all product variations available.
Countdown in product variations
Sold products and current availability

You can configure the countdown for variable products in two different ways: globally, by setting a countdown valid for all the variations (in this case you need to enable “General countdown”) or by setting the countdown for each product variation (the settings must be configured in the variation details).

Single countdown for all the variations

How to assign countdown to products

The Bulk Operations section of the plugin panel lets you set bulk actions on the products of the shop. In this way, you can use the plugin at the same time for a certain type of product, avoiding the creation of a countdown for each of them.

Please note: if a product is included in more than one selection, it will be affected by the most recent configuration.
The configuration made from the product detail page has always the highest priority.

Selection of products

Selection of products countdown

Configuration of the countdown for a specific product selection.

  • Products to assign: the products for which you want to activate the countdown (add the name of the products with the Ajax search field).
  • Enable: activate/deactivate the plugin for the selected products.
  • Sale Dates: starting and ending date of the sale.
  • Discounted products: the available amount for each product (it works only if the stock management has been deactivated for the selected product).
  • Already sold products: it indicates the amount of already completed sales for a product. Leave empty to start from zero.

By category

Countdown by category

Configuration of the countdown for one category of the shop. You can configure one category at a time.

  • Category to assign: product category for which you want to activate the countdown (add the name of the category with the Ajax search field).
  • Enable: activate/deactivate the plugin for the products of the selected category.
  • Sale Dates: starting and ending date of the sale.
  • Discounted products: the available amount for each product (it works only if the stock management has been deactivated for the selected product).
  • Already sold products: it indicates the amount of already completed sales for a product. Leave empty to start from zero.

Recent products

Recent products countdown

Configuration of the countdown for the recent products of the shop.

  • Days passed: set the time span in days (from today) to consider the most recent published products.
  • Enable: activate/deactivate the plugin for the recent products of the shop.
  • Sale Dates: starting and ending date of the sale.
  • Discounted products: the available amount for each product (it works only if the stock management has been deactivated for the selected product).
  • Already sold products: it indicates the amount of already completed sales for a product. Leave empty to start from zero.

Discounted products

Discounted products countdown

Configuration of the countdown for the discounted products of the shop.

  • Enable: activate/deactivate the plugin for the discounted products of the shop.
  • Sale Dates: starting and ending date of the sale.
  • Discounted products: the available amount for each product (it works only if the stock management has been deactivated for the selected product).
  • Already sold products: it indicates the amount of already completed sales for a product. Leave empty to start from zero.

Featured products

Featured products countdown

Configuration of the countdown for the “featured” products of the shop.

  • Enable: activate/deactivate the plugin for the “featured” products of the shop.
  • Sale Dates: starting and ending date of the sale.
  • Discounted products: the available amount for each product (it works only if the stock management has been deactivated for the selected product).
  • Already sold products: it indicates the amount of already completed sales for a product. Leave empty to start from zero.

Set Top/bottom bar countown

Go to the Top/Bottom Countdown bar section of the plugin settings panel if you want to highlight a product of you shop, enabling a specific countdown on every page of your site.

Top/bottom countdown bar options

Make sure a countdown has been configured for the selected product.

Style 1

Top/bottom bar - Style 1

Style 2

Top/bottom bar - Style 2

When users click on the bar, they will be redirected to the product you have highlighted.
Here is the complete list of the options you can use to customize the bar.

  • Enable Top/Bottom Countdown Bar: activate/deactivate the bar on every page of the site.
  • Title: message of the bar.
  • Position: the position where you want to display the bar (top part or bottom part of the page).
  • Selected product: the product of the shop you want to place in the bar (add the name with the Ajax search field).
  • Bar template: the template of the bar.
  • Color and font size: use the default style, or customize it with the available options.

General settings

To edit the general settings of the plugin go to YITH -> Product Countdown -> General.

General settings

This is the complete list of options for this section:

  • “Select type”: allows you to choose the content to show on the product page and/or the category page (timer e/o sale bar)
    Timer and Sale Bar
  • “Select position”: select pages where you want to show the countdown and sale bar (product detail page and/or category page of the product).
  • “Show timer before sale starts”: this option allows you to show a countdown for those products that you have previously enabled. For these products, you must have set a date for starting the sale.
    The plugin, so, informs users about the time left before the product will be put on sale and removes, until that date, the “Add to cart” button.
  • “Behaviour on expiration or sold out”: select the action that the plugin has to make when a countdown ends or if the product reaches the maximum number of sales set
    • Hide the box with the countdown and/or sale bar.
    • Hide the product from the shop and then exclude it from sales.
    • Leave the product in the shop, but it cannot be purchased because the “Add to cart” button is removed.
  • “Show sale summary”: when the option is active, the sale bar is not removed on countdown expiration and keeps showing the product quantity sold.

Customize countdown

The tab “Customization” in the plugin panel includes all plugin options that allow you to edit text, layout, and default colors for your countdown and sale bar.

Customization options

There are three different layouts to show the timer and sale bar.

Style 1

Style 1

Style 2

Style 2

Style 3

Style 3

Moreover, for each layout, you can customize colours and fonts:

Customization options

Shortcode & blocks

If you are using the block editor, you can easily add the shortcode to your pages by selecting it from the blocks.


You can choose from single product counter and multiple product counter.

Select type of counter

Single product counter

Single product shortcode

Multiple product counter

Multiple products shortcode

If you are using the classic editor or a page builder, you can use the following shortcodes:

  • [ywpc_shortcode]This will print a product loop including all those products with an active countdown;
  • [ywpc_shortcode id=”1,2,3,4”] – This will print a product loop including the specified products. The products with an expired countdown won’t be shown;
  • [ywpc_shortcode type=”single”]This will print the countdown of the current product page. It works only on product pages; if used on a different page, no countdown will show;
  • [ywpc_shortcode type=”single” id=”1”] – This will print the countdown of a specific product. It works only on product pages; if entering more IDs, only the first one will be taken into account.

Shortcode settings

To choose the product info to show in the countdown, go to the tab General > Shortcode settings and select the elements to show.

Countdown shortcode settings


If you want to add the products of your shop that already have a countdown in the sidebars, add the YITH WooCommerce Product Countdown widget from Appearance -> Widgets.


If you want to select the elements of the products you want to show in the sidebar, click on the General tab of the plugin settings panel and scroll the page to Widget settings.

Widget settings

YITH Pre-Order for WooCommerce

YITH Pre-Order for WooCommerce allows you to assign the “Pre-Order” mode and its end date to one or more products. During this time frame, the product can be purchased at markup or sale price different from the full price.

The combined use with YITH WooCommerce Product Countdown allows you to show a countdown on a pre-order product until it will be available.

After installing and activating both plugins, you must configure your pre-order products as described here.

The availability/release date configured in the pre-order product will show in the countdown dates on the product edit page.

Integration with YITH Pre-Order

If you want to customize the text shown next to the countdown, go to YITH > Pre-Order > Style and enter the text in the option Label for YITH WooCommerce Product Countdown.

Integration with YITH Pre-Order

This is how the countdown for your pre-order product will show on the product page.

Integration with YITH Pre-Order

For further details about YITH Pre-Order for WooCommerce settings, please refer to the official documentation.