Fix: prevent showing "Payment Method" section in "My Account", when "Save Cards" is disabled
Dev: new filter yith_wcsc_should_load_payment_scripts
2.33.0 - Released on 17 April 2024
New: support for WooCommerce 8.8
Update: YITH plugin framework
Dev: new filter yith_wcsc_process_commission_order_status
2.32.0 - Released on 21 March 2024
New: support for WordPress 6.5
New: support for WooCommerce 8.7
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: subscription renew payment 0 error
Dev: format commission total according to WooCommerce currency settings
2.31.0 - Released on 22 February 2024
New: support for WooCommerce 8.6
Update: YITH plugin framework
Dev: added new filter "yith_wcsc_show_commissions_panel"
2.30.1 - Released on 30 January 2024
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: validation of the credit card fields on the first load in the checkout page
2.30.0 - Released on 16 January 2024
New: support for WooCommerce 8.5
Update: YITH plugin framework
2.29.0 - Released on 15 December 2023
New: support for WooCommerce 8.4
Update: YITH plugin framework
2.28.0 - Released on 21 November 2023
New: support for WordPress 6.4
New: support for WooCommerce 8.3
New: support for WooCommerce checkout block
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Dev: added new filter yith_wcsc_check_payment_intent_id
2.27.1 - Released on 23 October 2023
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: added some checks to avoid errors with the payment intent verification
2.27.0 - Released on 5 October 2023
New: support for WooCommerce 8.2
Update: YITH plugin framework
Dev: added new filter yith_wcsc_update_session_intent_params
2.26.1 - Released on 18 September 2023
Update: YITH plugin framework
Dev: minor corrections
2.26.0 - Released on 11 September 2023
New: support for WooCommerce 8.1
Update: YITH plugin framework
Dev: added new filter yith_wcsc_panel_capability
2.25.0 - Released on 2 August 2023
New: support for WordPress 6.3
New: support for WooCommerce 8.0
Update: YITH plugin framework
2.24.0 - Released on 12 July 2023
New: support for WooCommerce 7.9
Update: YITH plugin framework
2.23.0 - Released on 06 June 2023
New: support for WooCommerce 7.8
Update: YITH plugin framework
Dev: added new filter 'yith_wcsc_force_transaction_id'
2.22.0 - Released on 08 May 2023
New: support for WooCommerce 7.7
Update: YITH plugin framework
2.21.0 - Released on 11 April 2023
New: support for WooCommerce 7.6
Update: YITH plugin framework
2.20.0 - Released on 06 March 2023
New: support for WordPress 6.2
New: support for WooCommerce 7.5
Update: YITH plugin framework
Tweak: always skip customer creation when using direct charges (customer cannot be created nor retrieved from connected account)
Fix: register customer only when not executing direct charges
Fix: round commission total before saving it
2.19.0 - Released on 08 February 2023
New: support for WooCommerce 7.4
Update: YITH plugin framework
2.18.0 - Released on 04 January 2023
New: support for WooCommerce 7.3
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: Stripe PHP library to version 10.3
Update: Stripe API to version 2022-11-15
Update: mpdf to version 8.1.4
2.17.0 - Released on 13 December 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 7.2
Update: YITH plugin framework
Tweak: refactored code to allow third party dev to filter tokenization supports value for Stripe Connect gateway
Tweak: allow to add query parameters in the return url
2.16.1 - Released on 14 November 2022
Fix: patched security vulnerability
2.16.0 - Released on 26 October 2022
New: support for WordPress 6.1
New: support for WooCommerce 7.1
Update: YITH plugin framework
2.15.0 - Released on 04 October 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 7.0
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: Stripe PHP library to version 9.6
Update: Stripe API to version 2022-08-01
2.14.0 - Released on 13 September 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 6.9
Update: YITH plugin framework
Dev: added new filter 'yith_wcsc_gateway_supports'
Dev: added new parameter to 'yith_stripe_connect_create_payment_intent' filter
2.13.0 - Released on 02 August 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 6.8
Update: YITH plugin framework
2.12.0 - Released on 04 July 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 6.7
Update: YITH plugin framework
Dev: new filter yith_wcsc_gateway_background_color
Dev: new filter yith_wcsc_gateway_font_size
Dev: new filter yith_wcsc_gateway_color
Dev: new filter yith_wcsc_gateway_font_family
Dev: new filter yith_wcsc_gateway_placeholder_color
2.11.0 - Released on 09 June 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 6.6
Update: YITH plugin framework
2.10.0 - Released on 10 May 2022
New: support for WordPress 6.0
New: support for WooCommerce 6.5
Update: YITH plugin framework
Tweak: slight changes to receivers query, to make use of wpdb->prepare method
Tweak: improved product label on Receivers table
Tweak: included variable products as a valid product to created commissions on
2.9.0 - Released on 05 April 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 6.4
Update: YITH plugin framework
Tweak: added version compare on affiliate integration, to avoid fatal errors with older versions
Fix: prevent deprecated message on new integration with YITH Affiliates
2.8.0 - Released on 03 March 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 6.3
Update: YITH plugin framework
2.7.0 - Released on 07 February 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 6.2
Update: YITH plugin framework
2.6.0 - Released on 10 January 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 6.1
New: support for WordPress 5.9
Update: YITH plugin framework
2.5.0 - Released on 21 December 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 6.0
Update: YITH plugin framework
Dev: new filter yith_wcsc_commission_fee_base
2.4.0 - Released on 05 November 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.9
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: pay process cannot correctly save Stripe meta inside subscription objects
Fix: prevent error if is not a valid object
2.3.0 - Released on 07 October 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.8
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: subscription renew with expired cards and authentication required cards
2.2.1 - Released on 27 September 2021
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: debug info feature removed for all logged in users
Fix: discounts and taxes showing up as application fee
Dev: added order_id parameter to yith_wcsc_charge_description filter
Dev: added additional fonts on the mpdf library to avoid errors
2.2.0 - Released on 10 September 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.7
Update: YITH Plugin Framework
Fix: only send source_transaction parameter with transfer request when origin order was processed with our gateway
Fix: setting a decimal commission value in product page
Dev: added some checks to prevent errors over null objects
2.1.17 - Released on 12 August 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.6
Update: YITH Plugin Framework
Update: mPDF Library
Fix: added check getting session intent to avoid unexpected error
2.1.16 - Released on 08 July 2021
New: support for WordPress 5.8
New: support for WooCommerce 5.5
Update: YITH Plugin Framework
Fix: added new check before updating CC form fields, in order to avoid interfering with other plugins
2.1.15 - Released on 11 June 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.4
Update: YITH Plugin Framework
2.1.14 - Released on 18 May 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.3
Update: YITH Plugin Framework
Update: minified js files
Tweak: added check over gateway existance fo avoid fatal errors
Fix: Added missing npm dependencies
Fix: 3D Secure validation on order-pay page
Fix: wrong idempotency key when request doesnt contain order_id
2.1.13 - Released on 21 April 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.2
Update: YITH Plugin Framework
Update: Stripe PHP library to 7.77.0
Fix: possible error on older versions of PHP
Dev: added filter yith_wcstripe_update_charge_params for update_charge params
2.1.12 - Released on 14 March 2021
New: support for WordPress 5.7
New: support for WooCommerce 5.1
Update: YITH Plugin Framework
Update: Stripe PHP library to 7.75.0
Tweak: send metadata with destination payment on receiver account
Tweak: added on_behalf_of parameter to destination charges
Fix: fixed the stripe fee amount by calculating it on the products price
Dev: added new yith_wcsc_check_exist_commission_args filter
2.1.11 - Released on 21 February 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.0
Update: YITH Plugin Framework
Update: Spanish translation
Fix: issue when trying to pay order with 0 total
Dev: added new yith_wcstripe_allow_save_different_cards filter
2.1.10 - Released on 13 January 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 4.9
Update: plugin framework
Fix: possible fatal error happening in rare cases when processing payment
2.1.9 - Released on 18 December 2020
Update: plugin framework
Tweak: updated various backend descriptions, to match current Stripe Dashboard layout
Tweak: security improvements for checkout process
Fix: check intent type before proceeding with payment
Fix: show currency symbol based on order currency
2.1.8 - Released on 11 December 2020
Update: plugin framework
Update: Stripe PHP library to version 7.67.0
Fix: usage of test_live boolean property
2.1.7 - Released on 01 December 2020
New: support for WooCommerce 4.8
New: Greek translation
Update: plugin framework
Update: Stripe PHP library to version 7.66.0
Tweak: fixed some typos and added missing text domains
Tweak: minor code refactoring on multiple files
Fix: prevent possible fatal error when initializing API Handler
Fix: prevent possible deadlock when creating gateway instance
2.1.6 - Released on 13 November 2020
New: support for WordPress 5.6
New: support for WooCommerce 4.7
New: possibility to update plugin via WP-CLI
New: Direct Charges and Destination Charges can now be used even if order contains more than one commission for the same receiver
Update: plugin framework
Update: Stripe PHP library to version 7.62.0
Tweak: Direct Charges option is now available even if you have YITH WooCommerce Subscription active; option will be ignored if subscription products are added to cart
Tweak: added note when commission is processed through alternative payment flows
Tweak: added link to payment on order page
Fix: save_cards parameter is used as string (yes/no) over the entire plugin
Fix: direct charges failing because of wrong customer id sent within create_intent API call
Fix: issue with verify intent, when processing Direct Charge
Dev: removed deprecated .ready method from scripts
Dev: added new yith_wcsc_card_code filter
Dev: added new yith_wcsc_placeholder_card_number filter
Dev: fixed typo in yith_wcsc_process_cart_item_commissions filter name
2.1.5 - Released on 16 October 2020
New: support for WooCommerce 4.6
Update: plugin framework
Fix: make sure that my-account url ends with trailing slash, before appending stripe connect endpoint
Dev: added new filter yith_wcsc_oauth_link_args
Dev: added new filter yith_wcstripe_connect_transfer_args
Dev: added new filter yith_wcsc_get_receiver_panel_args
2.1.4 - Released on 18 September 2020
New: support for WooCommerce 4.5
Update: plugin framework
Update: Stripe PHP library to version 7.52
Update: API version to 2020-08-27
Fix: possible issue happening when trying to generate more than one commission from the same order
2.1.3 - Released on 18 August 2020
New: support for WordPress 5.5
New: support for WooCommerce 4.4
Update: plugin framework
Tweak: updated ajax handling functions to improve compatibility
Tweak: perform correct do_action after paying YITH WooCommerce Affiliates commissions, to trigger affiliate email
Tweak: Improved Integration with YITH WooCommerce Subscription 2.0
Tweak: reviewed customer creation process
Tweak: improved ajax update when saving receivers on admin panel
Tweak: use of uniform transfer groups; added transfer group where missing on transfer creation
Fix: notice when loading commission panel template on frontend
Fix: commission not being created for variations
Fix: wrong usage of $wp global
Fix: The receivers table is hidden when creating a new product
Dev: added filter yith_wcsc_receivers_result
Dev: added postal code field to the Stripe payment
Dev: Show the WC Stripe notice only for admins
2.1.2 - Released on 22 June 2020
Update: plugin framework
Tweak: added back \YITH_Stripe_Connect_Frontend::stripe_connect_account_page method as deprecated, to improve compatibility
2.1.1 - Released on 19 June 2020
New: support for WooCommerce 4.3-beta
Update: plugin framework
Fix: plugin unable to retrieve default gateway since last update
2.1.0 - Released on 17 June 2020
New: support for WooCommerce 4.2
New: support Direct Charges and Destination Charges (only under specific conditions)
New: added MultiBanco gateway
Update: Stripe PHP library to version 7.37.1
Update: plugin framework
Tweak: unified db update process
Tweak: avoid executing dbDelta when not required
Fix: changed currency to uppercase to do correct check of currencies
Fix: filter by user when exporting from admin side
Dev: added yith_wcstripe_connect_transfer_metadata filter, specific to transfers metadata