Direct charges allow making charges directly on the connected account and taking fees in the process. Conversely to Separate charges and transfers, the payment of the order will go directly to the account connected without being first received by the site/platform owner.
The payment itself appears as a charge in the connected account, not in your platform account.
This payment flow is mainly used when end customers directly make transactions with the connected account and are often unaware of the platform’s existence.
PLEASE NOTE – Direct charges work only with one single receiver and can’t be used with subscription-based products created with YITH Subscription, nor in a marketplace environment built with YITH Multi Vendor

Separate charges and transfers is the default payment flow. To use Direct charges go to YITH > Stripe Connect > Settings > Payment flow settings and select it from the dropdown in Alternative flow.
PLEASE NOTE – If Direct charges is not applicable, the system will fallback to Separate Charges and Transfers.

Since the transfer is made at the time of payment, Direct charges won’t allow using Delay settings.
For further details about Direct charges, please refer to Stripe documentation.