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PayPal custom button

The following section available in YITH > PayPal Braintree > PayPal allows you to configure the graphical appearance of the button to make your users check out with PayPal, and the layouts are the ones officially provided by PayPal, so your users will immediately able to recognize PayPal logo and style.


  • Button Label: pick the text that has to be displayed on PayPal button among the ones made available by PayPal. You can show simple text as well as PayPal logo.Button label
  • Show the funding icons: choose whether to show the acceptance marks with credit card logos accepted by PayPal. This acceptance varies dynamically based on the country you’ve set up in your PayPal account.
    Acceptance marks
  • Button size: choose among a fixed size or a responsive option.Button size
  • Button style: choose between a rounded or square outline.Button layout
  • Button colour: choose among the different colours PayPal brand offers to make it fit your shop appearance.Button colour

Here are a few exaples of the possible combinations. Choose the layout that you prefer!

Button styles