View Product Page

Set Top/bottom bar countown

Go to the Top/Bottom Countdown bar section of the plugin settings panel if you want to highlight a product of you shop, enabling a specific countdown on every page of your site.

Top/bottom countdown bar options

Make sure a countdown has been configured for the selected product.

Style 1

Top/bottom bar - Style 1

Style 2

Top/bottom bar - Style 2

When users click on the bar, they will be redirected to the product you have highlighted.
Here is the complete list of the options you can use to customize the bar.

  • Enable Top/Bottom Countdown Bar: activate/deactivate the bar on every page of the site.
  • Title: message of the bar.
  • Position: the position where you want to display the bar (top part or bottom part of the page).
  • Selected product: the product of the shop you want to place in the bar (add the name with the Ajax search field).
  • Bar template: the template of the bar.
  • Color and font size: use the default style, or customize it with the available options.