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Store integrations

With the Store integrations option, you can now register all orders performed on your store to MailChimp. You can create campaigns targeted based on customer purchasing preferences.

Store integrations

When you connect your store, you basically tell the system that from the next purchase on, it should register orders within the customer.

After you connect your store, a sync option will appear, if you want all your previous users and customers to be registered in Mailchimp.

Store sync

This process will cycle the orders registered in your store, and send them to MailChimp, this way you’ll have all your customers and orders in there.

You can stop the synchronizing process at any time, you will see the sync status in the message below the button.

Store sync message

You can sync again at any time by clicking on the ‘Sync again’ button and the process will be repeated.

Apart from the sync process, the store integration just interacts with the default subscription process. So, when the customers purchase and accept to be registered to MailChimp, their mail is registered, as well as their current order.