When inserting a widget to add an accordion panel to your page, you can decide whether to show:

Based on what you select, you will be able to configure a different set of options.
WooCommerce categories

For this widget, you can configure the following options:
- Title: enter a title for the widget title;
- Show in Accordion: select WooCommerce categories;
- Exclude categories: enable if you want to exclude one or more categories from the list. Choose the categories you want to exclude in the option Exclude;
- Show subcategories: enable if you want to show the subcategories (if available) created on WooCommerce;
- Show category image: enable to show the images of your WooCommerce categories;
- Highlight the current category: enable to highlight the category based on the page currently visited by the user;
- Show Count: show the number of elements assigned to each category;
- Accordion style: select the style among those created;
- Order By: choose how to sort categories from ID, name, count, or WooCommerce order. Select if the sorting must be ascendant (ASC) or descendant (DESC);
- Hide in specific pages/posts: enable this option if you want to hide specific pages and or posts;
- Hide Accordion in pages: select the pages on which you don’t want to show the accordion;
- Hide Accordion in posts: select the posts on which you don’t want to show the accordion.

WordPress categories

For this widget, you can configure the following options:
- Title: enter a title for the widget title;
- Show in Accordion: select WordPress categories;
- Show subcategories: enable if you want to show the subcategories (if available) created on WordPress;
- Show last post: enable to show the last published post for each category ;
- Number post: enter the number of posts to show- Set -1 to show them all;
- Exclude categories: enable if you want to exclude one or more categories from the list. Choose the categories you want to exclude in the option Exclude;
- Hide in specific pages/posts: enable this option if you want to hide specific pages and or posts;
- Hide Accordion in pages: select the pages on which you don’t want to show the accordion;
- Hide Accordion in posts: select the posts on which you don’t want to show the accordion;
- Highlight the current category: enable to highlight the category based on the page currently visited by the user;
- Show Count: show the number of elements assigned to each category;
- Accordion style: select the style among those created;
- Order By: choose how to sort categories from ID, name, or count. Select if the sorting must be ascendant (ASC) or descendant (DESC).


For this widget, you can configure the following options:
- Title: enter a title for the widget title;
- Show in Accordion: select Tags;
- Show WooCommerce tags: enable if you want to show WooCommerce tags;
- WooCommerce tag label: enter the text for WooCommerce tags to show in the accordion panel;
- Show WordPress tags: enable if you want to show WordPress tags;
- WordPress tag label: enter the text for WordPress tags to show in the accordion panel;
- Show Count: show the number of elements assigned to each tag;
- Accordion style: select the style among those created;
- Hide in specific pages/posts: enable this option if you want to hide specific pages and or posts;
- Hide Accordion in pages: select the pages on which you don’t want to show the accordion;
- Hide Accordion in posts: select the posts on which you don’t want to show the accordion;
- Order By: choose how to sort tags from ID, name, or count. Select if the sorting must be ascendant (ASC) or descendant (DESC).


For this widget, you can configure the following options:
- Title: enter a title for the widget title;
- Show in Accordion: select Menu;
- Add menu in accordion: select one of the menus created in Appearance > Menu that you want to show in the widget;
- Accordion style: select the style among those created;
- Hide in specific pages/posts: enable this option if you want to hide specific pages and or posts;
- Hide Accordion in pages: select the pages on which you don’t want to show the accordion;
- Hide Accordion in posts: select the posts on which you don’t want to show the accordion.