To set the general options for your accordion styles, go to YITH > Category Accordion > General Options.

The available options are the following:
- Hide empty: by enabling this option, all the categories that don’t have assigned elements will be hidden in the accordions;
- Open accordion: choose whether to open the accordion on click or on hover;
- Accordion speed: set the opening/closing speed of the accordion (in milliseconds). The default value is 400;
- Show accordions closed: by enabling this option, the accordions will show as closed after loading the page;
- Open subcategories: by enabling this option, the accordion of the current category will show as open after loading the page;

- Category levels: choose whether to show all levels or set a max depth level for subcategories;
- Max depth level: set the level of subcategories to show. Only subcategories of that level and higher would be considered;
- Categories to show: choose whether to show all categories or set a max number of categories to show;
- Show a max of: enter the maximum number of categories to show.