The main purpose of the plugin is to stylize your accordions. You can configure as many styles as you like and use them in the plugin widget or shortcode.
To start configuring your accordion styles, you can either edit one of the 6 available or create a new one by clicking on the button Create accordion that you can find in the Accordion Styles section.

The style options are divided into four sections:
General style
From this tab, you can customize the style and colors of the container, count, and toggle icon.

- Container colors: set the background and border colors of the widget/shortcode container;
- Border radius: set the border radius (in px) for the container;
- Count style: choose the style to be assigned to the count value of each element in the list from Simple, Circle, or Square;
- Count colors: set the text, border, and background color of the element count

- Toggle icon style: choose the style to be assigned to the count value of each element in the list from Simple, Circle, or Square;
- Toggle icon: choose the toggle for the icon from Plus and Arrow;
- Toggle icon colors: set the default and hover colors for the icon;
- Toggle icon position: choose where to show the icon from Right or Left.