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YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor/Marketplace

With YITH Multi Vendor/Marketplace you can turn your e-commerce store into a marketplace (a multi-vendor platform) like Amazon or Etsy. Turn your e-commerce store into a marketplace (a multi-vendor platform) and earn commissions on orders generated by your vendors.

First of all, install and activate both plugins, then, enable the integration from YITH > Multi Vendor > Modules.

Catalog Mode module

Now, your vendors will be able to see a dedicated menu item with all the catalog mode settings. These will apply to their store and products only.

They will be able to set up not only the general settings, but also the exclusion list, the inquiry form and the buttons.

Catalog mode module in vendors' dashboard

The options are the same as for the admin, but with the only difference that they apply only to the store of the vendor who is editing them.

Admin extra options

The integration will also enable a few extra options for the admin, who will be able to control and override the Catalog mode settings for all vendors or just selected ones if needed.

In YITH > Catalog Mode > Settings, the admin will be able to see the Administrator overrides vendors’ settings option:

Admin overrides vendors' settings

So, if enabled the admin will be able to choose whether to apply the admin settings to all vendors or just vendors in the exclusion list.

If on the other hand, you want the admin settings to override the ones of all vendors except for a few ones, you set it up to Not apply to Vendors in exclusion list, as you can see below.

Admin settings apply to vendors

If you select to apply or not apply the settings only to vendors in the exclusion list, you will have to add the vendors through the extra tab that will appear in Exclusion list > List of vendors.

Vendor exclusion list

To add a new vendor, just click on the “Add vendor” button and search by their store name:

Add vendor in exclusion list

For more details about YITH Multi Vendor setup, please refer to the official plugin documentation.