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Various rules for the same payment method

You can apply different rules to the same payment method.
Each increase or reduction is applied to the cart total value and generates the final amount of the order.
Here is an example of how it works.  
We chose to apply the following rules for payments through bank transfer: 

  • €10 discount for all the users (rule 1)
  • 10% for orders exceeding €100 (rule 2)
  • €3 surcharge for users with the “shop manager” role (rule 3).

All the rules are applied to the total amount of the cart (taxes excluded) 

Rule 1

Rule 1 - example

Rule 2

Rule 2 - example

Rule 3

Rule 3 - example

Assuming that:

  • our cart total is €221 (taxes excluded)
  • we represent a “shop manager” user

In this example, all the configured rules match with all the parameters and are applied.

The rules are applied as follows:

  • Rule 1 : – $10
  • Rule 2: – $22,10 (10% on $221)
  • Rule 3: + $3

– €25 (-10-18+3) variation will be applied to the total amount of the cart.