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General information

Here is a list of features available in the plugin:

  • Create a set of different price rules for each payment method available
  • Apply a cart surcharge or discount based on the selected payment method
  • The price variation can be either a fixed or a percentage amount based on the cart subtotal
  • Add a note concerning the selected payment method to the checkout form
  • Choose the user roles to which the rule will apply
  • Enable the rule only if the cart subtotal matches the minimum and maximum values defined
  • Include or exclude tax from the cart amount, on which the price variation applies after selecting the payment method
  • Schedule a payment-method-based rule by selecting the start and end date

The automatic increase and reduction of the order amount occur based on the rules created and configured in YITH > Dynamic Pricing per Payment Method.

Please, note: this feature is not available for orders created manually from the backend by the admin or shop managers, because of a limitation of the WooCommerce plugin.
The payment page, in fact, shows and allows payment for an existing order and doesn’t allow the order to be modified. So, order totals would also not be re-calculated, and any changes, including extra fees based on the selected payment method, would not be shown because this page does not reload totals via AJAX as the checkout does.

To learn about how to correctly configure a new payment rule, we recommend reading this page of the documentation.

It is possible to apply more than one rule to the same payment method: learn about how to do it.

How to create and configure a new payment rule

To start creating your rules, go to YITH -> Dynamic Pricing per Payment Method and click on the Add new button.

Add new rule

Now, you can add a name for the rule and configure the available options.

Rule settings
  • Enable rule: enable this option to make this rule effective;
  • Payment method: select the payment method to which the rule will apply;
  • Type: choose whether to increase or apply a discount to the cart total by selecting Decrease by value, Increase by value, Decrease by percentage, or Increase by percentage;
  • Amount: enter the value to define the increase or discount;
  • Calculate amount: choose to calculate the amount by
    • Using subtotal: tax will be excluded;
    • Using total: tax will be included;
  • Tax class: tax class that will be applied to the amount rule. Choose from: standard rate, reduced rate, zero rate;
  • Custom text: enter a custom text to show on the Checkout page when the payment method linked to the rule is selected;
  • User role: select the user roles that will be associated to the rule (guest users included);
  • Enable to apply this rule on specific countries: by enabling this option, you can select the countries to which the rule will apply;
Apply rule to specific countries
  • Min and max cart total: these two fields allow applying the payment rule only when, after selecting the linked payment method, the cart value matches the configured minimum and/or maximum values;
  • Product in cart: select the products that will trigger the rule if added to the cart;
  • Schedule FROM: select a date in the date picker to define the rule start day. Leave empty if you want the rule to be effective after saving it;
  • Schedule TO: select a date in the date picker to define the rule end day. Leave empty if you don’t want to set an expiration for the rule.

Assuming we have already created our payment rules, we will view the linked amount (increase or reduction) for each payment method at checkout.


Go to this page to learn about some examples of how to use it.

Various rules for the same payment method

You can apply different rules to the same payment method.
Each increase or reduction is applied to the cart total value and generates the final amount of the order.
Here is an example of how it works.  
We chose to apply the following rules for payments through bank transfer: 

  • €10 discount for all the users (rule 1)
  • 10% for orders exceeding €100 (rule 2)
  • €3 surcharge for users with the “shop manager” role (rule 3).

All the rules are applied to the total amount of the cart (taxes excluded) 

Rule 1

Rule 1 - example

Rule 2

Rule 2 - example

Rule 3

Rule 3 - example

Assuming that:

  • our cart total is €221 (taxes excluded)
  • we represent a “shop manager” user

In this example, all the configured rules match with all the parameters and are applied.

The rules are applied as follows:

  • Rule 1 : – $10
  • Rule 2: – $22,10 (10% on $221)
  • Rule 3: + $3

– €25 (-10-18+3) variation will be applied to the total amount of the cart.

Examples of how to use

20% discount for “Customer” users who pay through bank transfer from May 15th to 20th.

Create 1 rule with the following parameters:

  • Payment method: Direct Bank Transfer
  • Type: decrease by percentage
  • Amount: 20
  • Role: Customer
  • Schedule from: 2023-05-15
  • Schedule to: 2023-05-20
Rule example 1

€5 surcharge for all the users paying with PayPal

Create 1 rule with the following parameters:

  • Payment method: PayPal
  • Type: increase by value
  • Amount: 5
  • Role: leave the field empty to include all the roles
Rule example 2

30% discount for users paying orders exceeding €100 by cheque, taxes included 

Create 1 rule with the following parameters:

  • Payment method: Check Payments
  • Type: decrease by percentage
  • Amount: 30
  • Include tax: active option
  • Min cart total: 100
Rule example 3

Payment with Paypal: €2 surcharge for all the users and an additional 10% for “vendors” users. 10% must be applied to the price already increased by €2.

Create two rules.
Rule 1: €2 surcharge for all the users

  • Payment method: PayPal
  • Type: increase by value
  • Amount: 2
  • Priority: 1

Rule 2: 10% surcharge on the price previously edited by the rule 1

  • Payment method: PayPal
  • Type: increase by percentage
  • Amount: 10
  • Priority: 2