View Product Page


Recently viewed products

From the section Create shortcode, you can dynamically create unlimited shortcodes using the settings you prefer to show users the list of their recently viewed products.

Create shortcode

Shortcode options

Start building your shortcode by configuring the following options:

  • The section title: enter the text you want to show for the recently viewed products section;
  • The “View All” link text: enter the text you want to show for the View all link;
  • Select which products to show: choose the products to show in the section from Only viewed products or Viewed products and similar items;
  • If you choose to show similar products select how to get them: decide how to retrieve similar products by selecting
    • by categories
    • by tags
    • by both categories and tags 
  • Set how many products to show in plugin section (set -1 to display all): choose the number of products to show in the recently viewed section;
  • Set how many products to show per row: choose the number of products to show per row;
  • Choose in which order the products should be shown: choose how to sort the products from:
    • Random
    • Latest viewed
    • Sales
    • Newest
    • Price: high to low
    • Price: low to high
  • Show only the most viewed category: enable this option to show only the most-viewed category;
  • Select the categories to show: add the categories to show in the section;
  • Enable slider: enable this option to show a slider for the recently viewed products;
  • Enable slider autoplay: enable this option to show the products slider with autoplay;
  • Show dot indicators: enable this option to show dot indicators.

The shortcode will be available in the lower part of the page: you will just have to copy it and use it on the page you want.

Created shortcode


Most viewed products

Through the shortcode [yith_most_viewed_products], you can show a list of all the most viewed products of your store and filter products shown by category as well. This list will not only show products visited by you but by other users as well.

Most viewed products shortcode

Start building your shortcode by configuring the following options:

  • The section title: enter the text you want to show for the recently viewed products section;
  • Set how many products to show in plugin section (set -1 to display all): choose the number of products to show in the recently viewed section;
  • Set how many products to show per row: choose the number of products to show per row;
  • Select the categories to show: add the categories to show in the section;
  • Enable slider: enable this option to show a slider for the recently viewed products;
  • Enable slider autoplay: enable this option to show the products slider with autoplay;
  • Show dot indicators: enable this option to show dot indicators.

The parameters of the shortcode are the following:

num_post=: the whole number that defines the products to show
num_columns=: the whole number that defines the number of columns on which show products
title=: shortcode title
slider=: values: yes or no to define whether the shortcode must be a slider or not
autoplay=: values: yes or no to define whether the slider autoplay must be enabled or not
class=: additional classes for the shortcode
cats_id=: list of category IDs, comma-separated. It allows showing only the products belonging to the specified categories
dots=: values: yes or no to define whether dot indicators must show or not.
Shortcode to copy and paste