View Product Page

Getting started

YITH WooCommerce Recently Viewed Products allows you to show the products that your users have recently viewed in a list on the product detail page or through a widget or shortcodes.

The major plugin feature is the possibility to store the information of logged-in users in the database, not only in a cookie for logged-in and non-logged users.

In this way, when users log into the site, the cookie will be deleted and their information stored in the database. By doing so, users will always be able to see their recently viewed products regardless of the browser used, as the system will get this information directly from the database (and not from a cookie).

General settings

Let’s start with the General settings that you can find in YITH > Recently Viewed Products > Settings.

General settings
  • Set cookie time: set the duration (in days) of the cookie that tracks user-viewed products;
  • Select which products to show: choose whether to show Only viewed products or Viewed products and similar items. By selecting Viewed products and similar items, you will be able to decide to get similar products by
    • categories
    • tags
    • both
  • Set how many products to show: enter the number of products to show and how many of them to show in each row;
General options
  • Order products by: choose how to order the products from Random, Latest viewed, Sales, Newest, Price: high to low, or Price: low to high;
  • Set which products to hide: choose if you want to hide out-of-stock products, free products, and/or products already bought by the customer;
  • Show only products from the most viewed category: enable to show only products of the most viewed category.

From the General settings, you can also enable and configure a slider to show the recently viewed products.

Slider options
  • Enable products slider: enable to show the product list section as a slider;
  • Enable products slider autoplay: enable to activate the autoplay for sliders;
  • Show dot indicators: enable to show dot indicators for sliders;
  • Show shortcode in all product pages: enable to automatically add the shortcode in the single product page.

Texts and labels

In the Texts and Labels section, you can customize the text for the message, the section title, and the link to view the recently viewed list.

Texts and labels
  • Text for no product found: enter the message to show when users open the page without any viewed product and, as a consequence, the list is empty (see the example below);
Product not found
  • Section title: text shown above the section of the recently viewed products;
  • Text for “View All” link: link text that redirects users to the “Recently Viewed Products” page.
Text and label example

Recently viewed products page

The page of the recently viewed products will be automatically created when activating the plugin. It offers users the complete list of recently viewed products, in addition to the possibility to filter them by category.

Recently Viewed Products page

Each product can be removed from the list with a simple click on the X Remove button.

Remove button


Recently viewed products

From the section Create shortcode, you can dynamically create unlimited shortcodes using the settings you prefer to show users the list of their recently viewed products.

Create shortcode

Shortcode options

Start building your shortcode by configuring the following options:

  • The section title: enter the text you want to show for the recently viewed products section;
  • The “View All” link text: enter the text you want to show for the View all link;
  • Select which products to show: choose the products to show in the section from Only viewed products or Viewed products and similar items;
  • If you choose to show similar products select how to get them: decide how to retrieve similar products by selecting
    • by categories
    • by tags
    • by both categories and tags 
  • Set how many products to show in plugin section (set -1 to display all): choose the number of products to show in the recently viewed section;
  • Set how many products to show per row: choose the number of products to show per row;
  • Choose in which order the products should be shown: choose how to sort the products from:
    • Random
    • Latest viewed
    • Sales
    • Newest
    • Price: high to low
    • Price: low to high
  • Show only the most viewed category: enable this option to show only the most-viewed category;
  • Select the categories to show: add the categories to show in the section;
  • Enable slider: enable this option to show a slider for the recently viewed products;
  • Enable slider autoplay: enable this option to show the products slider with autoplay;
  • Show dot indicators: enable this option to show dot indicators.

The shortcode will be available in the lower part of the page: you will just have to copy it and use it on the page you want.

Created shortcode


Most viewed products

Through the shortcode [yith_most_viewed_products], you can show a list of all the most viewed products of your store and filter products shown by category as well. This list will not only show products visited by you but by other users as well.

Most viewed products shortcode

Start building your shortcode by configuring the following options:

  • The section title: enter the text you want to show for the recently viewed products section;
  • Set how many products to show in plugin section (set -1 to display all): choose the number of products to show in the recently viewed section;
  • Set how many products to show per row: choose the number of products to show per row;
  • Select the categories to show: add the categories to show in the section;
  • Enable slider: enable this option to show a slider for the recently viewed products;
  • Enable slider autoplay: enable this option to show the products slider with autoplay;
  • Show dot indicators: enable this option to show dot indicators.

The parameters of the shortcode are the following:

num_post=: the whole number that defines the products to show
num_columns=: the whole number that defines the number of columns on which show products
title=: shortcode title
slider=: values: yes or no to define whether the shortcode must be a slider or not
autoplay=: values: yes or no to define whether the slider autoplay must be enabled or not
class=: additional classes for the shortcode
cats_id=: list of category IDs, comma-separated. It allows showing only the products belonging to the specified categories
dots=: values: yes or no to define whether dot indicators must show or not.
Shortcode to copy and paste

Email settings

Through the Email settings, you can send an email to the users that have not logged into the website for a specific number of days. The email includes the recently viewed products, in addition to other products the administrator can manually select.

Email settings

Let’s analyze all the available options:

    • Send email notifications: enable to send automatic emails to users;
    • Schedule email: set how many days have to pass since the last user login to send the email;
    • Number of products: define the number of recently viewed products that you want to show in the email;
    • Select which products to show:
    • Select which products to show: choose whether to show Only viewed products or Viewed products and similar items;
    Email settings options
    • Order products by:choose how to order the products from RandomLatest viewedSalesNewestPrice: high to low, or Price: low to high;
    • Show only products from the most viewed category: enable if you only want to show the products of the category most viewed by the user;
    • Add also custom products: enable to select additional products to promote in the email;
      • Select custom products: (the conditional option that shows by enabling Add also custom products) choose the products to promote in the email;

    Email customization

    To customize the emails sent to users and remind them of the products they are interested in, you can use the set of available options:

    Email customization
    • Logo image: set an image for the email header. You can upload your own image or use the placeholder;
    • Email heading: text for the email heading. You can use one of the available placeholders;
    • Email subject: text for the email subject. You can use one of the available placeholders;
    • Email format: format for the email. You can choose from Plain, HTML, Multipart.
    Customization options
    • Email content: enter your text or use the default one;
    • Thumbnail Size: set product image size (in px). Note: Regenerate the thumbnails of your products to have them correctly implemented by the plugin;
    • Enable Mandrill: enable to authorize Mandrill to send emails;
    • Mandrill API KEY: enter the API KEY of your Mandrill account;
    Google Analytics
    • Add Google Analytics to email links: enable to add Google Analytics parameters to the email links;
      • Campaign Source: enter the referrer;
      • Campaign Medium: enter the marketing medium;
      • Campaign term: enter the terms, comma separated;
      • Campaign content: use this field to differentiate the ads;
      • Campaign name: enter the text for the campaign name;
    Test email
    • Send a test email to: enter the email address to send a test email.


    You can attach a coupon code to the emails sent to encourage your users to purchase the products they are interested in. When applied, the coupon will grant a discount on the first product added to the cart among the suggested ones.

    You can either choose to use an existing coupon previously created or generate a new one dynamically. You can find this option in the tab Email settings.

    1. Use an existing coupon:
    Use an existing coupon

    Select the coupon code in the field Coupon code to automatically add it to your email content.

    Please, note: you must have created the coupon code before, otherwise, it will not be printed out in the email content.

    2. Create a coupon:

    Create a coupon

    Once you have set the discount percentage and expiration date of the coupon, add the “{coupon_code}” placeholder in the email to give users the coupon. Don’t forget to save your changes, otherwise, you will lose everything.

    Email sample

    Coupon email


    The available widget adds a recently viewed products list in the sidebar. In addition to these products, you can also add similar products.


    This is what it looks like on the frontend.

    Widget on frontend - example


    The plugin is ready to use with the Gutenberg editor. When you add a new post or page, you will be able to find our YITH shortcodes and widgets. With a simple click, they will be added to your page.

    Gutenberg blocks