View Product Page

Exclusion list

The Exclusion list section allows you to define products, categories, and tags for which the One-Click Checkout will be enabled.

Start creating your list by clicking on Add exclusion.

Add exclusion

In the modal, select the Exclusion type choosing from Product, Categories, or Tags.

Based on the exclusion type selected, you can then search for the products, categories or tags to add.

Add exclusion to the list

The items will be shown in the Exclusion list table.

Exclusion list table

You can easily remove the items from the list by clicking on the trash icon showing on hover.

Remove item from Exclusion list

To apply the plugin features only to the products, categories, and tags added to the table, make sure to select Products in the Exclusion List only in the option Show “One-Click Checkout” on, available in the General options.

Show "One-Click Checkout" on products of Exclusion list

Exclusion list on frontend

Exclusion list on frontend