If you have problems with our plugins or something is not working as it should, first, follow these preliminary steps:
- Test the plugin with a WordPress default theme, to be sure that the error is not caused by the theme you are currently using.
- Deactivate all plugins you are using and check if the problem is still occurring.
- Ensure that your plugin version, your theme version and your WordPress and WooCommerce version (if required) are updated and that the problem you are experiencing has not already been solved in a later plugin update.
If none of the previously listed actions helps you solve the problem, then, submit a ticket in the forum and describe your problem accurately, specify WordPress and WooCommerce versions you are using and any other information that might help us solve your problem as quickly as possible.
If you are using the premium version of the plugin, we invite you to ask for assistance in our support desk.
There is no limit to the number of endpoints that you can create for “My Account” page. Go to YITH > Customize My Account Page > Endpoints and click on the “Add new” button to create a new endpoint.
Yes, you can do that with this plugin. In case you wanted to reset the default values of WooCommerce endpoints that you have edited, you can read this page of our guide.
The plugin can only add/remove/edit account endpoints. Fields of account details or billing/shipping address are not editable.
Yes, this plugin supports both WPML and Polylang plugins, so you can use it on a multilingual website.
The basic concept behind the plugin is that the content of custom tabs behaves exactly like a standard post on WordPress, so whatever works on a post, also works in the custom tab.
If a third-party plugin, for example, has shortcodes or whatever other thing that works on a post, it will also work in the content of the custom tabs in My Account.
The plugin does not have shortcodes or widgets, because it basically replaces the default navigation added by Woocommerce on My account page, so, it does not need any specific integration for that 🙂