View Product Page

General settings

By default, the plugin allows adding multiple shipping addresses to the orders for all the products of your shop through the related option.

General settings

Within this section, you will find the following options:

  • Allow guest users to set multiple shipping addresses: you can choose whether to allow also guest users to set additional shipping addresses.
  • Multiple shipping addresses label on checkout: you can choose the label to show on the Checkout page.
  • Show WooCommerce shipping form on checkout
    : this allows you to choose whether to show or hide the shipping form on the Checkout page.
  • Max. number of different addresses: this allows you to choose the number of different addresses a item can be shipped to in the same order.
  • Show package weight: you can choose whether to show or hide the weight for every package on the Checkout page.
  • Multiple shipping checkout position: you can choose the multiple shipping position on the Checkout page (above, below or inside).
  • Accent color: this allows you to choose the secondary color for the multiple shipping section on the Checkout page.