View Product Page

General settings

By default, the plugin allows adding multiple shipping addresses to the orders for all the products of your shop through the related option.

General settings

Within this section, you will find the following options:

  • Allow guest users to set multiple shipping addresses: you can choose whether to allow also guest users to set additional shipping addresses.
  • Multiple shipping addresses label on checkout: you can choose the label to show on the Checkout page.
  • Show WooCommerce shipping form on checkout
    : this allows you to choose whether to show or hide the shipping form on the Checkout page.
  • Max. number of different addresses: this allows you to choose the number of different addresses a item can be shipped to in the same order.
  • Show package weight: you can choose whether to show or hide the weight for every package on the Checkout page.
  • Multiple shipping checkout position: you can choose the multiple shipping position on the Checkout page (above, below or inside).
  • Accent color: this allows you to choose the secondary color for the multiple shipping section on the Checkout page.

Exclusion List

If you want to exclude certain products, categories or tags from the multi-shipping feature, you can do it by adding them to the exclusion lists available in the plugin dashboard.

Exclusion List

By clicking on “Add exclusion”, you can define the products you want to exclude:

Exclusion type

The plugin supports variable products and allows your users to add a different shipping address for each single product variation.

Variable product

How to ship the same product to different addresses

When adding two or more of the same product to the cart, users can choose to ship a specific quantity to different shipping addresses.

When clicking on Add another shipping address for this item, the plugin automatically splits the product quantity that can be then adjusted depending on the user’s need.

In the example below, the customer has added 3 Cherokee T-Shirts to the cart.

Adding different shipping address

After clicking on Add another shipping address for this item, the product quantity splits and the user can select from the dropdown the shipping addresses previously added.

Ship the same product to different addresses

For larger quantities, users can manage how many of each product to ship to each address.

How the admin can manage shipping addresses

The plugin allows the administrator to edit the shipping status of the products associated with each shipping address. To edit the status, go to the order details and choose the one you want to set from Processing, Shipped, Cancelled, or Returned.

Edit shipping status - admin

From the order details, you can also edit the shipping address information.

Manage shipping data

Checkout and My Account pages

Users can manage their shipping addresses both on Checkout and My Account page. For every single address, they can apply the following actions: add, delete, and edit the data.

Checkout page:

Add new address from My Account page

My Account page:

Manage shipping addresses on My Account page

Also, you can mark the address as default by clicking on the star icon:

Star option for default address


As the site administrator, you can select the option Enable this email notification to notify users of a shipping status change. The emails managed by the plugin are:

  • Shipped Status
  • Processing Status
  • Cancelled Status
  • Returned Status
Separate email for each status

When the option is enabled, an automatic email will be sent to customers when any of the above shipping statuses is applied. The administrator can customize the email subject, heading, and body.

Any of the previous emails can be set from the “WooCommerce -> Settings -> Emails” section.


Local Pickup integration

In order to enable the integration between the Multiple Shipping Addresses plugin and Local pickup, you will need to set local pickup as a shipping method.

Local pickup

After that, the customer will be able to choose Local pickup as a ‘destination’ when defining the packages to ship to multiple addresses.

Local pickup on Checkout page


This plugin fully supports Elementor. When using the Elementor editor, you will be able to find the widget YITH Multiple Shipping Addresses and place it wherever you want on your shop pages.