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General Settings

With YITH Infinite Scrolling, you can show the content of multiple pages on a single page, the pagination will be disabled, and the content will load on the same page with an infinite scrolling effect, so your users will not see that they are loading a new page, but will always stay on the same page.
The items are loaded in Ajax and you can enable the scrolling effect on the blog and the shop pages.

The Premium Version allows you to enable Infinite Scrolling on as many sections as you want.

In the Plugin options section from the General Settings tab, you can enable and set the sections accordingly.

General settings

Within the same section, you will find the following options:

Enable Infinite Scrolling on mobile devices: Enabling this option will allow your customers to benefit from infinite scrolling on your e-commerce shop through their mobile devices.

Change the URL of the page whenever new items are loaded: By enabling the following option, you can implement a dynamic URL change based on the loaded page. This feature allows users to resume their browsing session from the point at which they left off, even if they navigate back to the main page with infinite scrolling. This is due to the fact that the position is registered when the back button is pressed.

Custom JavaScript: As you can see in the image above, you can add your custom JavaScript code to the bottom of the General Settings page. You can use two plugin triggers: yith_infs_adding_elem is triggered before the new elements are appended to the current content, while yith_infs_added_elem is triggered after the AJAX call ends.