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Free Version Settings

With YITH Infinite Scrolling, you can show the content of multiple pages on a single page, the pagination will be disabled, and the content will load on the same page with an infinite scrolling effect, so your users will not see that they are loading a new page, but will always stay on the same page.
The items are loaded in Ajax and you can enable the scrolling effect on the blog and the shop pages.

The Free Version allows you to enable Infinite Scrolling on one section of your website, but if you want to enable it on multiple sections, you can consider using the premium version >

In the Plugin options section from the General Settings tab, you can enable and configure the section accordingly.

General settings

Here you can configure the plugin options, included the CSS selectors needed for the plugin to work. You have to configure the selectors in the plugin settings, as these change based on the theme you’re using and the section you want to enable the scrolling effect on (e.g. blog or product loop).

Enable Infinite Scrolling on mobile devices: Enabling this option will allow your customers to benefit from infinite scrolling on your e-commerce shop through their mobile devices.

Navigation Selector: The selector that contains the navigation of this section.

Navigation Selector

Next Selector: The selector of the link that redirects to the next page of this section.

Next Selector

Item Selector: The selector of the single item in the page.

Item selector

Content Selector: The selector that contains your section content.

Content selector

Loader: This option allows you to upload a custom loader you want to show to your customers while they scroll and wait for your products to load. This is an example of what it will look like:

Frontend loader free