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YITH Booking for WooCommerce

YITH WooCommerce Booking lets you create an advanced booking management system for the products of your shop. Once you have configured the prices, services, and availability, the plugin will automatically manage the product depending on the user’s choice.

When using both plugins, two additional notifications will be added to the already existing list of notifications:

  • A new booking is placed: a ‘bookable’ product type has been ordered.
  • A new request booking is placed: the admin has received a confirmation request.
Integration with YITH Booking

You will only have to activate both plugins, and the options will appear in the ‘notifications’ menu.

For more information on how to set up the Booking plugin, take a look at the full documentation here.

YITH WooCommerce Custom Order Status

YITH WooCommerce Custom Order Status allows the creation of custom statuses you can assign to orders in your shop. You may also edit the default WooCommerce ones.

Thanks to the integration with YITH Desktop Notifications for WooCommerce, you can enable custom desktop notifications that will be displayed each time one of your orders gets one of the statuses you created using this plugin.

Custom status

Once created, you can set a notification for every new order status.

Desktop notifications integrations

When the order gets the custom status, you will get a notification like in this example:

Custom order status notification

For further details about YITH WooCommerce Custom Order Status settings, please, refer to the official documentation.

YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor

With YITH Multi Vendor, you can turn your e-commerce store into a marketplace (a multi-vendor platform) like Amazon or Etsy. Turn your e-commerce store into a marketplace (a multi-vendor platform) and earn commissions on orders generated by your vendors.

If used in combination with YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor, you can enable desktop notifications for vendors’ orders. Notifications for vendors can be enabled when:

  • a new order has been created
  • the vendor order gets a specific status

So, make sure you install and activate both plugins first.

Now, from the settings in YITH > Desktop notifications > Notifications, you can set the above-mentioned notifications for vendors as well, by selecting Vendor in the Role notification option.

Integration with YITH Multi Vendor

For more details about YITH Multi Vendor setup, please, refer to the official documentation.

YITH Request a Quote for WooCommerce

Thanks to YITH Request a Quote for WooCommerce, you can offer users the chance to ask for a quote for one or more products in your shop. Once the request is received, you can process your offer and send it via email. Users can accept the offer and will be automatically redirected to the cart where they will find the exact agreed price.

This plugin was designed to interact with YITH Desktop Notifications: among all the notifications you can enable, you will also find the chance to enable desktop notifications for each quote request received on your store or when a quote request of yours gains one of the followers statuses:

  • pending
  • expired
  • accepted
  • rejected

After installing and activating both plugins, you can set notifications for quotes by selecting A quote is placed in the Notification type option.

Quote notification