View Product Page

General notes

Please note: it is essential to allow the browser to receive notifications to show them and let the plugin work correctly.

Allow notifications

Each type of notification must be created and configured first since, by default, the plugin doesn’t enable any for your shop.

The notifications can be enabled for 6 different actions:

  • each purchase made
  • each purchase associated to a specific product
  • a refunded order
  • an order status change
  • a product status turns into “Out of stock”
  • a product with low stock

The system checks possible available notifications every 10 seconds to not undermine the site’s performance.
This parameter can be edited at any time in the Check new notifications entry of the Settings dashboard.

Check new notifications

Go to this page to learn how to configure a new notification.

Notification creation

To start creating your notifications, go to YITH > Desktop Notifications > Notifications and click on Add new notification.

Add new notification

Now, you can configure the notification through the available options.

Notification options
  • Notification type: select the type of notification you want to create by choosing from:
    • A product is sold: by selecting this type of notification, you can choose the products to which it will apply;
    • A new order is placed;
    • An order is refunded;
    • A product goes out of stock;
    • An order is switched to a specific status: by selecting this type of notification you will be able to choose the order statuses to which it will apply;
    • A product low of stock;
  • Title: enter the name to define and identify the notification;
  • Description: enter a description for the notification. You can use the available placeholders to include any information about the product, order, and user.
    • {username}: username of the user who made the purchase
    • {order_id}: ID of the created order
    • {products_sold}: list of the products sold
    • {order_total}: the total amount of the order
    • {product_id}: product ID
    • {product_name}: product name
    • {new_status}: new status associated to the order
    • {old_status}: old order status
  • Role notification: select the user roles to which the notification will apply;
  • Select notification icon: choose the icon to be assigned to the notification;
  • Select notification sound: choose the sound to be assigned to the notification;
  • Notification length (in seconds): enter the number of seconds for the length of the notification.

To see the notification preview, click on the Preview notification button.

Preview notification

Icons and sounds

You can find the complete list of icons and sounds to assign to your notifications in the Upload tab.


In addition to the available elements, the plugin gives you the possibility to upload new icons (.png -.jpg) and sounds (.mp3) through the related Upload fields.

Upload icons and sounds