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Notification creation

To start creating your notifications, go to YITH > Desktop Notifications > Notifications and click on Add new notification.

Add new notification

Now, you can configure the notification through the available options.

Notification options
  • Notification type: select the type of notification you want to create by choosing from:
    • A product is sold: by selecting this type of notification, you can choose the products to which it will apply;
    • A new order is placed;
    • An order is refunded;
    • A product goes out of stock;
    • An order is switched to a specific status: by selecting this type of notification you will be able to choose the order statuses to which it will apply;
    • A product low of stock;
  • Title: enter the name to define and identify the notification;
  • Description: enter a description for the notification. You can use the available placeholders to include any information about the product, order, and user.
    • {username}: username of the user who made the purchase
    • {order_id}: ID of the created order
    • {products_sold}: list of the products sold
    • {order_total}: the total amount of the order
    • {product_id}: product ID
    • {product_name}: product name
    • {new_status}: new status associated to the order
    • {old_status}: old order status
  • Role notification: select the user roles to which the notification will apply;
  • Select notification icon: choose the icon to be assigned to the notification;
  • Select notification sound: choose the sound to be assigned to the notification;
  • Notification length (in seconds): enter the number of seconds for the length of the notification.

To see the notification preview, click on the Preview notification button.

Preview notification