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Connect your Active Campaign account

To check your subscriptions, you must use your Active Campaign account and connect it through your API Key.

You can find your URL and API key in your Active Campaign account > My Settings > Developer.

Insert URL and API Key

URL and API Key must be copied in the related plugin fields in YITH > Active Campaign > Integration tab.

Active Campaign API URL and key


After saving changes, you will see the current connection status with the Active Campaign Server.

Active Campaign options

Subscription to the list

To select the list to which you want to subscribe your users, go to Register > List Options > Active Campaign list where all the lists available in your account will show. If you have just created a new list and it doesn’t show among the available ones, click on the Update Lists button to update it.

Select Active Campaign list

Now you can decide the moment for the user to be subscribed to the selected list by choosing from two options available in the tab Checkout:

  • once the order is placed;
  • once the order is completed.

Register after order completed or order placed

The customer will be automatically added to the list. If you want customers to choose whether to be added or not, you need to enable the option “Show newsletter subscription checkbox“. The checkbox will show on the “Checkout” page.

Show newsletter subscription checkbox

You can also set a custom text and the position for the checkbox through the options:

Newsletter label and position

  • “Newsletter subscription” label: you can edit the text shown next to the checkbox.
  • Position of “Newsletter subscription”: you can choose the position of the newsletter checkbox on the Checkout page.

Newsletter checkbox on Checkout page

  • Show “newsletter subscription” as checked: if customers do not want to be added to the list, they have to ‘uncheck’ the box themselves.

With contact status, you can decide whether the customer will receive your newsletter or not. There are three options:

  • Instant responders: the customer will automatically receive messages just after subscribing.
  • Future responders: enable if you want to send messages in the future.
  • Send last message: enable if you want to send the last message to the user.



To prevent spam registrations to your lists, you can enable Google reCAPTCHA from YITH > Active Campaign > Integration >reCaptcha Options.

But first of all, let’s see how to get your reCAPTCHA site key and secret key.

Register an account on Google (if you don’t have any yet), go to and click on v3 Admin Console.


Now select reCAPTCHA v2 “I’m not a robot”, which is the version supported by the plugin, fill in the available fields and click on the submit button to add the reCAPTCHA to your site.reCaptcha settings

The site key and secret key are now created.

Go to the reCaptcha options section in the Integration tab and copy and paste the site and secret keys into the related fields.

reCaptcha options


List options

In List options, you have two integration modes. You can select “simple” if you want to send a general newsletter to your customers or “advanced” to let the customer choose their interests among pre-set tags.

Integration mode

Integration mode options

Based on the customers´ interest, you are able to send a matching newsletter.

  • Tags label: you can enter a text that will be shown above the tag list in the Checkout page, for example, “Your interests”.
  • Show tags: to make it easier for customers, you can add tags so they can choose what they are interested in.
  • Position for tags: you can select the position where the tags will be shown on the Checkout page.

Tags in checkoutpage

Advanced integration modality

With Active Campaign, you can connect the fields that are in Active Campaign with those you have in Checkout, including the default ones.

The advanced integration modality allows creating a specific set of options: as an administrator, you can register users to different lists and possible interest groups depending on specific conditions.

Option set - Advanced integration modality

Now we explain how to configure the set of options. First of all, make sure you select the same list in the plugin as in Active Campaign.

Active Campaign List


As previously mentioned, the plugin allows you to connect the checkout fields to Active Campaign: for each registration, you can save further information, in addition to the classic “First name”, “Last name”, “Email address”. You can also reuse them later to create new forms through Active Campaign.

By default, the plugin is already suitable to associate three fields “First name”, “Last name”, “Email address”.

Default fields

The first thing you need to do, when you want to associate a new field, is to create a new field on Active Campaign. Go to “Lists” -> “manage fields” and add a “new custom field”. For example, let’s add “Phone”.

Add new field Active Campaign

Open the plugin again and update the fields by clicking on the “Update fields” button. Now the new field will be shown in the Active Campaign Field list.

Select new field

PLEASE NOTE: make sure the list you have selected is the same in the plugin as in Active Campaign.


To have a smart registration to your Active Campaign lists, you can insert an unlimited number of conditions that will be checked during the purchase.
Users will be registered to the lists and/or interest groups only if all the conditions are met.


As you can see in the image above, the user will only be registered if the next conditions are met:

  • the order includes at least one “Clothing” category product;
  • the order includes at least one “YITH Backpack”;
  • the order amount is lower than 30$.

Custom condition

You can also check the value of a specific checkout field. To locate the field, you need to specify the value of the “name” attribute (the value that will be sent to the $_POST variable at the checkout). The data can be easily recovered by opening the browser console and selecting the specific field.

Get field name

For example, we want to make sure that the email field does not include the word “yopmail”. We recover the value of the “name” attribute in the email field.

We insert the condition and save the options set.

Insert custom condition


Field options

Advanced integration modality

With Active Campaign, you can connect the fields that are in Active Campaign with those you have in Checkout, including the default ones.

The advanced integration modality allows creating a specific set of options: as an administrator, you can register users to different lists and possible interest groups based on specific conditions.

Option set - Advanced integration modality

Now we explain how to configure the set of options. First of all, make sure you select the same list in the plugin as in Active Campaign.

Active Campaign List


As previously mentioned, the plugin allows you to connect the checkout fields to Active Campaign: for each registration, you can save further information, in addition to the classic “First name”, “Last name”, “Email address”. You can also reuse them later for the creation of new forms through Active Campaign.

By default, the plugin is already suitable to associate three fields “First name”, “Last name”, “Email address”.

Default fields

The first thing you need to do, when you want to associate a new field, is to create a new field on Active Campaign. Go to “Lists” -> “manage fields” and add a “new custom field”. For example, let’s add “Phone”.

Add new field Active Campaign

Open the plugin again and update the fields by clicking on the “Update fields” button. Now the new field will be shown in the Active Campaign Field list.

Select new field

PLEASE NOTE: make sure the list you have selected is the same in the plugin as in Active Campaign.


To have a smart registration to your Active Campaign lists, you can insert an unlimited number of conditions that will be checked during the purchase.
Users will be registered to the lists and/or interest groups only if all the conditions are met.


As you can see in the image above, the user will only be registered if the next conditions are met:

  • the order includes at least one “Clothing” category product;
  • the order includes at least one “YITH Backpack”;
  • the order amount is lower than 30$.

Custom condition

You can also check the value of a specific checkout field. To locate the field, you need to specify the value of the “name” attribute (the value that will be sent to the $_POST variable at the checkout). The data can be easily recovered by opening the browser console and selecting the specific field.

Get field name

For example, we want to make sure that the email field does not include the word “yopmail”. We recover the value of the “name” attribute in the email field.

We insert the condition and save the options set.

Insert custom condition

Style options

With the style options, you can customize the design of the form by using CSS rules.

Style options


Deep data integration

Thanks to the e-commerce deep data integration, you will be able to record all the order details to your Active Campaign account, so there will be a reference to products purchased by the customer and you will be able to segment your target audience and send targeted campaigns or create automation based on what has been purchased.

To activate it, go to YITH > Active Campaign > Deep Data: you will be asked to enter the store name and logo. Then, click on Connect store.

Once you’ve activated the deep data integration, you will be able to see additional options for the Abandoned Cart automation.

Deep data options

  • Enable: this option allows you to register not only completed orders but also all abandoned cart emails on your Active Campaign account.
  • Enable guest: this allows you to save carts of guest users as well, on the condition that they have typed in their email addresses in the checkout process. If not, they will not be registered, as there’s no way to contact them.
  • Wait for T&C agreement: this option only appears if you’ve enabled the previous option for guest carts. It adds a restriction to it to make sure that the email and the cart are saved only if the customer has also checked the Terms and Conditions checkbox.
  • Delay: set here a delay time since the last change in the cart. If you set 6 hours, for instance, the abandoned cart information will be saved and sent to Active Campaign only 6 hours after the last change in the cart. If the cart is converted into a purchase during that time frame, it will not be saved as an abandoned cart. The user details will be saved and updated, so to prevent automated emails to be sent to customers that have finalized their purchase in the meantime.
  • Make abandoned cart record expire: enable this option to generate a new record after the abandoned cart expiration.
    • Expiration: define the time frame (in hours) to consider the abandoned cart record as expired. After the expiration, a new abandoned cart will be generated.

Finally, you’ll be able to also sync all the orders that have been made before the plugin was installed and send all the details to your Active Campaign account. Just click on Start Sync to start the process.

Once you have activated the Deep Store integration, you will be able to see it in the Integrations menu in your Active Campaign account.

You will see all orders and carts with detailed information about the cart contents.

This is the detail of a user’s contact. Here you can see the total revenue, the number of orders placed and products purchased, a list with all associated orders with reference to the status (Completed or Abandoned Cart) and the order products.

Based on the data collected by the plugin, you will be able to use customers’ information in your Active Campaign account for targeted campaigns and follow-up emails.

You can create a custom segment…

… or choose among the many automation available:

Coupon option for abandoned carts

If needed, you can limit the use of coupons only to users that have an abandoned cart registered on Active Campaign. To do it, you must enable the option that you can find in the Usage restriction tab of WooCommerce coupons. After enabling it, you can define the number of days for the coupon validity.

Coupon option

Shortcode and Widget

The plugin allows using shortcode and widget to add the registration form to your site pages.
Widget and shortcode refer to two different forms that must be configured in the plugin settings dashboard.

Active Campaign shortcode options


Active Campaign widget options

To insert the Active Campaign subscription form through shortcode, enter [yith_wcac_subscription_form] on the site page.

The configuration options concerning the forms associated to the widget and shortcode are the same as the checkout registration form. Therefore, we suggest you follow the instructions already analyzed on this page.

Registration form fields

By default, the registration form has only the email field.
However, it is possible to add an unlimited number of fields. You can insert all the fields you have configured in Active Campaign “Lists” -> “manage fields” and add a “new custom field”.

Add custom field

Shortcode attributes

In case you need to use the attributes of the shortcode, here you find the list available for you:

Default attributes

  • list : (int) The ID list to which user will be added on Active Campaign.
  • title: (string) The form title.
  • submit_label: (string) The button Submit Label.
  • success_message: (string) The message that will be shown if registration to Active Campaign has gone well.
  • hide_form_after_registration: (1,0) Choose if you prefer to hide the shortcode form after registration. 1 = yes, 0=no.
  • status: (1,0) Set the current status for new users. 1 = active, 0 = unsubscribe.
  • instant_responders: (1,0) Set instant responders for new users (Status must be active). 1 = yes, 0 = no.
  • no_responders: (1,0) Do not send any future responders. 1 = yes, 0 = no.
  • send_last_message: (1,0) Whether or not to send last broadcast campaign. 1 = yes, 0 = no.
  • shows_tags: (string1, string2, …) Add the tags separated by commas, that will be added to the registered user.
  • tags_label: (string) The tag label that describes tags to select.

Style attributes

  • enable_style: (1,0) Enable custom style on form. 1 = yes, 0 = no.
  • round_corners: (1,0) Define if you want round corners on Submit Button. 1 = yes, 0 = no.
  • background_color: (string) Define the background color for Submit button.
  • text_color: (string) Define the text color for Submit button.
  • border_color: (string) Define the border color for Submit button.
  • background_hover_color: (string) Define the background color for Submit button on mouseover.
  • text_hover_color: (string) Define the text color for Submit button on mouseover.
  • border_hover_color: (string) Define the border color for Submit button on mouseover.
  • custom_css: (string) Define any custom CSS style.


From the tag page, the admin will be able to select the tags that will be automatically added to the customer when the order switches to another status.

AC tags

  • Pending payment
  • Processing
  • On hold
  • Completed
  • Cancelled
  • Refunded
  • Failed