View Product Page


In the Colors section, you can customize the text and background colors of the best-seller badge and links.


Advanced options

From the Advanced options section in the Settings tab, you can set the time frame related to the rank indicator. Select this time frame in Bestseller Update Time by choosing from:

Update time

  • 1 day: a comparison will be made between sales registered the day before and two days before the current date;
  • 2 days: a comparison will be made between 2 days before the current day and the previous 2 days;
  • 3 days: a comparison will be made between 3 days before the current day and the previous 3 days;
  • 7 days: a comparison will be made between the 7 days before the current day and the previous 7 days;
  • Solar month: a comparison will be made between a current solar month and the previous month.
    For example, today is 15th May: the plugin compares the number of sales made since 1st May with those of the entire previous month, April;
  • Solar year: a comparison will be made between a current solar year and the previous year.
    For example, today is 15th March 2023: the plugin compares the number of sales made since 1st January 2023 with those of the entire previous year, 2022;
  • Unlimited

In this section, you can also choose the text to show for the best-seller badge in the option Badge text and the title of the best-seller slider in the option Slider title.

Badge text

Bestsellers Page

The Bestsellers page is automatically created when activating the plugin. Thanks to the [bestsellers] shortcode, you can show the list of best sellers in the whole shop.

Pagination for products will also be automatically managed by the plugin.

Best Sellers page







General and Display options

General options

You can apply a badge to your best-seller products by enabling the option Show “Best Seller” badge that you can find in the Settings > General options tab.

Show best-seller badge on products

Display options

From the Display options section, you can define the number of best-seller products to show by entering the value in the option Bestsellers shown. In the example below, it is set to show 100 products.

Set the number of best-sellers to show

If you want to show the “best seller” badge only on the top 100 products, enable the option “Best seller” badge only for Top 100.

Show badge only on top 100 best sellers

You can show the best-seller ranking position on the product edit page. To do it, you must enable the option Show position in product page.

Show ranking position

This is an example of what it will look like.

Ranking position example

You can also show the link of the Top 100 category both on the product detail and/or category pages. To do it, you will only need to enable the options Show category Top 100 link in product page and Show category Top 100 in category pages.

Show Top 100 category link

Furthermore, you can show the ranking indicator in the Best sellers pages by enabling the option Show ranking indicator.Show ranking indicator

A sales index will be added to all products. This index will show if there has been an increase or decrease in a number of sales in a specific time-lapse.

Yet, as an admin, you can also see the number of sales for every product on the Best seller page.

Number of sales for best-seller products

Finally. if you want your users to use the RSS service on the “Bestsellers” page, enable the option Show RSS link.

RSS link

In this way, they will be able to click on the RSS button to always be up to date on your products.

RSS link on Best sellers page

Product/Category Page

The plugin allows you to show the best seller position of that particular product, on the product detail page, both for “Bestsellers” of the whole store and category “Bestsellers”.

bestseller top product

These links take your customers to sales placings: a general placing showing best sellers in the entire shop or category placings.

You can activate these ranking links in product or category page: “Show Category Top 100 link in Product Page” and “Show Category Top 100 link in Category Pages”.

top 100

Bestseller seal




In the section Best seller seal, you can enable the option Show Seal in Best Sellers to add the “Bestseller” seal provided by the plugin, or upload any other image that you created, on the product pages.

Best sellers seal


  • Position: choose the position where to show the seal from:
    • Before summary
    • Before description
    • Below description
    • Below “Add to cart” button
    • Below summary
  • Align: set the seal alignment by selecting
    • Left
    • Center
    • Right
  • Display only for Top 100: enable this option if you want to show the seal only on products in the general Top 100.

The seal will show to your customers as shown below:


Show best-seller seal


Enable users to use the RSS service in the “Bestsellers” page. Access the plugin settings panel and enable the option Show RSS link.

display options bestseller

Your customers will be able to click on the RSS button to always be up to date on your products.

bestsellers rss


The widget included in YITH WooCommerce Best Sellers displays best-seller products on the entire shop. With this widget, you can select two types of displays, one based on the number of sales, and the other one based on the publishing date.

Then there is the widget YITH WooCommerce Best Sellers Categories which shows a complete list of all categories in the shop that contains at least one of the bestseller products.


Widget - Frontend

In case you only want to show specific product categories (among those already existing in the shop) type them into the widget field Categories. Which you will be able to find under Appearance -> Widgets.



The shortcode [bestsellers_slider] allows adding a slider with all the best-seller products of your shop on any page of your site.

The available parameter is:

  • limit: this allows setting the max number of Best Sellers shown in the slider.

Example > [bestsellers_slider limit=20]

Your page will now contain a slider like the one in this image:

Shortcode example

To edit the title shown just before the slider starts moving, go to Settings > Advanced options.

Slider title

Parameters of slider

These are all options for the shortcode:

  • animate | possible values ‘yes’ or ‘no’ (default ‘yes’)
  • delay | number of milliseconds after which the animation starts (default 6000)
  • category | the category ID of best-seller products you want to show (default is empty, to show all products of all categories)
  • range | you can override the value of the range set in YITH > Best sellers > settings
  • title | you can override the title slider you set in YITH > Best sellers > settings