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Advanced options

From the Advanced options section in the Settings tab, you can set the time frame related to the rank indicator. Select this time frame in Bestseller Update Time by choosing from:

Update time

  • 1 day: a comparison will be made between sales registered the day before and two days before the current date;
  • 2 days: a comparison will be made between 2 days before the current day and the previous 2 days;
  • 3 days: a comparison will be made between 3 days before the current day and the previous 3 days;
  • 7 days: a comparison will be made between the 7 days before the current day and the previous 7 days;
  • Solar month: a comparison will be made between a current solar month and the previous month.
    For example, today is 15th May: the plugin compares the number of sales made since 1st May with those of the entire previous month, April;
  • Solar year: a comparison will be made between a current solar year and the previous year.
    For example, today is 15th March 2023: the plugin compares the number of sales made since 1st January 2023 with those of the entire previous year, 2022;
  • Unlimited

In this section, you can also choose the text to show for the best-seller badge in the option Badge text and the title of the best-seller slider in the option Slider title.

Badge text