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Widgets & shortcodes

The plugin includes two widgets, one to show the user’s current funds and one to show the form used to make a new deposit.

YITH Account Funds: View user funds widget

User's current funds widget

Use this widget in your sidebar to print the current available funds of the user.

  • Title: enter the text to show as the title.
Current funds widget - frontend

YITH Account Funds: Make a deposit widget

Deposit funds widget

Use this widget in your sidebar to show the form that allows users to add funds to their wallet.

  • Title: enter the text to show as the title.
Deposit funds widget


Below is the list of shortcodes included in the plugin.

Show user fund

Use the shortcode [yith_ywf_show_user_fund] in your pages to print the current available funds of the user.

Available attributes:

  • layout: badge, inline

Example: [yith_ywf_show_user_fund layout=”inline”]

User funds shortcode

Show history

Use the shortcode [yith_ywf_show_history] in your pages to print the user’s fund history.

Available attributes:

  • per_page: the number of elements you wish to display on each page
  • pagination: enable or disable pagination (yes/no)

Example: [yith_ywf_show_history per_page=”3″ pagination=”yes”]

Funds history shortcode

Make a deposit form

Use the shortcode [yith_ywf_make_a_deposit_form] in your pages to show the form that allows users to add funds to their wallet.

No attributes.

Deposit form shortcode

Make a deposit small

Use the shortcode [yith_ywf_make_a_deposit_small] to print a button on the page that users can use to make a deposit for the pre-set amount.

Available attributes:

  • text: text to insert in button
  • amount: deposit amount
  • type: defines the type of item, such as “button”,”link”, or “URL”
Deposit shortcode (small)

Example: [yith_ywf_make_a_deposit_small text=”Deposits $50 on your account!” amount=”50″ type=”button”]

Show discount message

Use the shortcode [yith_ywf_show_discount_message] to print the message that informs your customers about a discount in the cart if they choose to pay with their funds.

No attributes.

Discount message shortcode