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The plugin is ready to use with the new Gutenberg editor. When you add a new post or page, you will be able to find the plugin shortcode. With a simple click, it will be added to your page.

Gutenberg block

YITH WooCommerce Wishlist

YITH WooCommerce Wishlist is a plugin where your customers can add products they are interested in to one or more wish lists. This process allows them to check these products back again at a later time and eventually proceed to purchase them.

The integration between these two plugins allows showing the “Add to Wishlist” button in the “Save for Later” list.

To do it, you need to install and activate both plugins, then go to YITH > Save Cart for Buy later > Settings and enable the option Show “Add to Wishlist”.

Enable add to wishlist in save cart for buy later

Once enabled, users will the the “Add to wishlist” button in the list:

Add to wishlist in save for later

To read more information about how to configure YITH Wishlist, you can check the full plugin documentation here.