View Product Page

General settings

After activating the plugin, a Save for later page will be automatically generated in your WordPress installation with the shortcode [yith_wsfl_saveforlater].
There you’ll find a list of all products added to it.
Add this page to one of the menu pages of your site, so that it can always be available to your customers.

From the tab Settings > General settings, you will be able to change the save for later” text and “save for later” page.
Save for Later - General settings

This is also where you can enable the setting to show the Add to Wishlist” button. This option can only be enabled if you are using the free or premium version of the plugin YITH Wishlist. By enabling this option, a link “Add to wishlist” will show next to products listed on the”Save for later” page.

Product settings

Save for Lster - Product settings

If you want to show the Save for later button on the product pages, go to the tab Product settings > Single product settings and enable the option Show Save For Later button on single product page.

Here, you can also enter the text for the button to add the product to the save for later list in the field Add button text

Show the Save for later button on product page

and a text for the button to remove the product from the list in the field Remove button text.

Remove from list button on product page

You can also use the following shortcode to manually place the Save for later button in the page: yith_wsfl_saveforlater_button.

Move products to “save for later” list

The plugin lets you move one or more products from the cart to a separate list, the Save for later list.

You will see a “Save for Later” link for each product in the cart. You can customize the text from the options panel of the plugin.

Move products in cart to savel for later list

After your customer adds a product to their Save for later list, they will see the list as shown below and also have the option to remove products by clicking on the X.

Save for later list


The plugin is ready to use with the new Gutenberg editor. When you add a new post or page, you will be able to find the plugin shortcode. With a simple click, it will be added to your page.

Gutenberg block

YITH WooCommerce Wishlist

YITH WooCommerce Wishlist is a plugin where your customers can add products they are interested in to one or more wish lists. This process allows them to check these products back again at a later time and eventually proceed to purchase them.

The integration between these two plugins allows showing the “Add to Wishlist” button in the “Save for Later” list.

To do it, you need to install and activate both plugins, then go to YITH > Save Cart for Buy later > Settings and enable the option Show “Add to Wishlist”.

Enable add to wishlist in save cart for buy later

Once enabled, users will the the “Add to wishlist” button in the list:

Add to wishlist in save for later

To read more information about how to configure YITH Wishlist, you can check the full plugin documentation here.