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In the Header section, you can set up all the header and heading options.

Step 1 – Colors and padding

Through the first available options, you can choose the header background color (1), the heading padding (2), the heading background color (3), and the heading text color (4).

Header options

NOTE: Although provided by the plugin, not all email clients have support for the padding, such as Outlook. In such cases, the padding won’t be applied.

Step 2 – Heading font and allignment

For the email heading font (5), you can use the default one or choose one of the Google fonts. You can now set the font size (6) and the heading alignment (7), Right, Center, or Left.

Font options

NOTE: Although provided by the plugin, not all email clients have support for Google font, such as Outlook. In such cases, users will see a default font.

It’s time to move to the subheader settings.