View Product Page

Popup options

In the plugin Settings, you can configure the options for the popup showing the size charts you have created.

Popup options

You can choose from 4 different styles: “Default”, “Informal”, “Elegant” and “Casual”.

Popup style

Moreover, you can set:

  • Main Color: the main color of the popup windows.
  • Position: the position of the popup window once opened.
  • Effect: the opening effect of popup windows.
  • Overlay Color: the overlay color when the popup window is open.
  • Overlay Opacity: the overlay opacity when the popup window is open (set a value between 0 and 1).

Popup button options

Popup button options

Here, you can set:

  • Button Position: the position of the button on the single product page.
  • Button Color: the color of the size chart popup button.
  • Button Text color: the color of the text shown in the size chart popup button.
  • Border Radius: the rounded border of size chart popup button.
  • Padding: padding value of the button.
  • Button Shadow Color: shadow color of size chart popup button.
Button on frontend