View Product Page

Text, style & color customization

Text customization

In the section Text customization, you can configure the text to show for the different options listed below:

  • “Add to wishlist” text: to customize the button text
  • “Product added” text: to customize the text shown when a product has been added to a wishlist
  • “Browse wishlist” text: to customize the text of the Browse wishlist link
  • “Product already in wishlist” text: to customize the text shown to users when they are viewing a product already added to their wishlist
Wishlist page text customization - free version

Style & color customization

In the section Style & color customization, you will be able to set up the style and color of the button that shows on the product pages.

  • Style of “Add to wishlist”: choose from Textual (uses anchor), Button with theme style (uses the style of the theme currently used), Button with custom style (uses the settings you configure)
  • “Add to wishlist” button style: choose the colors for the Add to wishlist button also on mouseover
  • Border radius: set the radius for the Add to wishlist button
Add to wishlist style - free version 1
  • “Add to wishlist” icon: select an icon for the Add to wishlist button from the dropdown (optional)
  • “Add to wishlist” custom icon: upload an icon for the Add to wishlist button (suggested px 32 X 32)
  • “Added to wishlist” icon: select an icon for the Added to wishlist button from the dropdown (optional)
  • “Added to wishlist” custom icon: upload an icon for the Added to wishlist button (suggested px 32 X 32)
  • Custom CSS: enter custom CSS to be applied to Wishlist elements (optional)
Add to wishlist style - free version 2