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Restriction based on user roles

You can select the role of the users for which you want to recover pending orders and abandoned carts. You can find these options in the Settings tab of the plugin panel.

Users options
  • Recover pending orders and carts of: choose whether to recover abandoned carts and pending orders for all users or only specific users.
    • Choose user role(s): by selecting Only users of specific roles in the previous option, you can choose the user roles that can recover their orders and carts.
  • Recover carts of guest users: decide whether guests can always or never recover their carts or only after they have accepted the terms and conditions.
  • “Recover Abandoned Terms and Conditions” text: enter the terms and conditions text.

If you activate the “Guest” option, you will be able to recover the abandoned carts of all unregistered users. In order to do that, they must add their email in the related checkout field before closing the page and/or accepting the terms and conditions.

Email field completed